Cracking the Code on Tax Breaks for Businesses with Small Payrolls

Some federal tax breaks depend on being small. Small, in this case, means the number of employees you have. If your business grows, you may think about adding employees. But consider the impact this will have on your access to certain small business tax breaks. Credit for Starting a Retirement Plan This amounts to a…

The Hidden Mystery Behind Why 36% of Small Businesses STILL Don’t Have a Website

According to the SBA, of the 30 million businesses in the U.S., only 64% of small businesses have a website. This should not be a shocking statistic since there are so many owners that don’t know where to start and for many, it’s still is too hard or too expensive for them. But this is…

Only 49% of Small Businesses Have a Growth Plan

The small business community feels their local and U.S. economy are strong. This according to the annual Small Business Pulse Survey from SunTrust. But only 49% of the respondents in the survey said they have a clearly stated plan for business growth. Considering the strong economic sentiment small businesses expressed, not having a growth plan…

Take Advantage of Instagram Stories – Read These 11 Tips

As new content delivery methods become available and catch audience attention, small businesses need to pivot and adapt. Instagram Stories is one option that has been gaining a good amount of attention. To find out more about what kinds of approaches work, we asked entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following: “What is the…

Sick and Tired of Measuring Customer Sentiment the Old Fashioned Way? Read This

What Began as a U.S. Trend is Now a Global Norm On social media, opinions dominate. What began as a U.S. trend is now a global norm. When marketers are nimble on social, they can turn opinions-at-scale into valuable data, but it’s no magic bullet. Good tools are required, and even then, insights gleaned from…

Are You Listening to Your Customers? Attend this Workshop to Find Out

  According to Gartner, 89% of businesses are competing mostly on the basis of customer experience. And if you don’t listen to what your customers are saying, they are probably having a bad experience. Applied Marketing Science (AMS) is providing a training workshop to teach you how to listen to your customers. Titled “Listening to…

10 Expert Tips to Help Your Small Business Bring in More Paying Customers

Businesses try a lot of advanced techniques to market and grow. But at the end of the day, most of your success comes from making as many sales as possible. To improve your bottom line and bring in as many customers as possible, check out these sales tips from members of the online small business…

Finding the Most Profitable Online Niches Doesn’t Have to be Hard, See Our List of the Top 20

The internet provides almost endless ways to start businesses of all shapes and sizes and make money. Most Profitable Niches Start using the World Wide Web for financial gain. And take a look at the following 20 most profitable online niche markets. They’ll help you determine which online sector would be best for you. Self-Improvement…

What Everyone Ought to Know about Managing Their Business Credit Card

A business credit card offers some clear advantages for a small business owner: Access to additional capital, reward and travel perks, potential 0% interest on purchases, sign-up bonuses … the list goes on. And in some cases, it can even replace traditional business financing as a better, more affordable option to cover business expenses. But in order to get…

In the News: Your Happiness Affects Your Bottom Line

If a customer walks through your door, you’ve likely told yourself or your employees — put on your happy face. Well, we learned this week, you need to start saying — put on your happier face. A new consumer survey found customers expect small businesses like yours to be friendlier than the big box store…

Chick-fil-A Uses Technology to Give You a Great Chicken Sandwich and a Great Experience

Earlier this week I chaired CRM Evolution, CRM Magazine’s annual industry conference. And as usual it was a great event with industry experts, thought leaders and vendor executives participating throughout the 3 days of the event.   But the most surprising person I ran into at the conference was my supervisor at my very first…

Small Farms on the Rise in the U.S., But It’s Not All Good News

Every five years the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) carries out a comprehensive census of agriculture across the country. The newly released 2017 census is a mixed bag of good and bad news. 2017 Census of Agriculture The data reveals small farms are increasing, but there are fewer overall farms and they are earning less.…

They Were the Same Criticisms that had Dogged Him His Entire Career

This article, “They Were the Same Criticisms that had Dogged Him His Entire Career” was first published on Small Business Trends Top Featured Tags: – Business Press Release Distribution Service

Only 48% of Restaurant Owners Feel Prepared to Capitalize on Future Mobile Innovations

Mobile has become an integral part of the food and beverage industry. For restaurant owners, this technology has introduced new levels of efficiency in front and backend operations. But according to a new survey by Oracle, only 48% of owners feel prepared to capitalize on future mobile innovations. Another 62% also expressed doubt in their…

How to Get an ATM in Your Store

Having an ATM in your store or business can be a major benefit. It may bring more people through the door, it ensures that you customers have access to cash if they need it to make a purchase, and it can even help you earn significant extra revenue. However, getting an ATM set up at…

Attention Transportation Businesses: New CDL License Requirements You MUST Understand

There are new rules coming into effect for entry level truck driver training (ELDT) in February 2020 that small businesses need to know about. The changes will affect drivers looking to get a commercial license (CDL) for the first time or when upgrading. New CDL License Requirements Small Business Trends contacted Fred Word, Executive Consultant…

Would You Let a Robot Fire Your Employees? Amazon Did, Report Says

Amazon warehouse workers are monitored by tracking systems that measure each employee’s productivity, issue warnings for workers that lag and fire those consistently behind, according to documents obtained by The Verge. Amazon Automated Firing System Amazon offers a base $15 an hour wage and its warehouses, called fulfillment centers, are often competitive to work at. The…

55% of Small Business Owners Would Pay for their Data in a Ransomware Attack

Businesses value their data so much more than half will pay cyber criminals to get it back. The AppRiver Cyberthreat Index for Business Survey says 55% of small businesses will pay in the event of a ransomware attack. And willingness to pay increases to 74% for larger small businesses. In fact, 39% say they will…

Attention Retailers: Secrets of Good Customer Service Revealed

If you’re a retailer, you don’t need me to tell you how competitive the industry has become. Providing great retail customer service has always been important to business owners who take pride in their work — but today, it can be a matter of business survival. According to BPR Consulting, nearly two-thirds of shoppers will…

In the Spotlight: How 121 Puts its Mark on Small Business Branding

Branding isn’t just about picking out some design elements for your business and leaving it. 121 (pronounced one to one) USA LLC is one branding company that knows the importance of creating ongoing relationships with clients. The company offers day-to-day services and aims to respond to all client requests in a timely manner. Read more…

Apply These 10 Techniques to Create the Perfect Work Schedule for Your Small Business Team

Do you struggle with scheduling for your small businesses? You have must make sure all your shifts are covered. But you also need to optimize the schedule to ensure as many sales as possible. So you need to take tons of things into consideration. Then create the perfect employee schedule. And keep labor costs and…

46% of Consumers Want to Deal with Ecommerce Issues through Email

How you respond to your customers is a good indicator of the long-term success of your business. And as more people shop online, this will entail addressing issues with eCommerce. This means making as many communication options as possible. According to a report from Sykes, only 26% of eCommerce sites provide an email address. But…

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