How to Choose a Laptop for Your Small Business

Laptops continue to increase in popular for business use. And not only do they allow you and your team to get work done from anywhere. But many also provide all the power, storage and speed that you really need. And this allows you to perform your day-to-day functions. However, with the increasing popularity of laptops,…

12 Essential Pieces of Small Business Advice

Sponsored Post At Dreamforce 2018, the Salesforce small business team asked attendees to share their most essential advice for small business owners. Over the course of four days, we collected more than 1,000 pearls of wisdom. To celebrate National Small Business Week, we’ve distilled those 1,000+ suggestions down to 12 bits of small biz advice. And for…

In the Spotlight: Rescued Furnishings Saves Customers from Dull Design

Remodeling your home is an incredibly personal process. You may want a professional to handle certain parts of it for you. But you may also want to add in hints of your own creativity or DIY spirit to the space. Rescued Furnishings has you covered on all fronts. The furniture store and remodeling company also…

Take the Q2 2019 Small Business Energy Survey, Read More

The cost of electricity can reach as low as 9.29 cents per kilowatt in Louisiana. And it can go all the way to 33.9 cents in Hawaii. But it makes no difference how high or low your electric bill gets. The cost remains a large monthly expense. And so cutting that cost gives YOU a…

How to Create an Invoice That Gets Paid

When you send an invoice to a customer, you expect to get paid soon after they receive the invoice. But as any service provider will tell you, that is rarely the case. FreshBooks’ data reports on average 1 in 4 self-employed people are owed as much as $2,000 by late paying clients. So, how do…

How to Choose a Printer for Your Small Business

You’ve probably heard all about how today’s businesses are going paperless. But even with all the high tech document storing and sharing options available, the average office worker prints about 34 pages per day. In all likelihood, your small business needs a printer, whether you print the occasional documents or a high volume of marketing…

7 Places You Can Use Tech To Boost Your Small Business Marketing

You’ve clicked on the title for this article. And you now read it voraciously. So you probably run a small business. Small business owners look to grow their businesses. And that means targeting your market efficiently with the lowest acquisition costs. Attract the right type of qualified leads. But realize this is easier said than done.…

Cracking the Code on Chatbot Marketing for Your Business [Infographic]

How many chat messages have you sent today? 20? 50? 100? Probably a lot and that’s typical. Since 2014, we’re using chat apps more than social networking apps. On Facebook Messenger, more than 8 billion messages are sent around the world daily and Messenger marketing platform is responsible for millions of messages around the world…

Best Cities for Serial Entrepreneurs

Some entrepreneurs just love to start businesses — over and over again.  There’s even a name for them: serial entrepreneurs. But have you ever wondered where to find serial entrepreneurs? Our rankings of the Best Cities for Serial Entrepreneurs highlight where you can find large concentrations of serial entrepreneurs. Serial entrepreneurs for our purposes are…

Some Small Businesses Had to Wait Longer Than 6 Months to Hear About a Loan Application

When it comes to a business loan, applicants want to start and expand their company, or they need funds to get out of a financial jam. But the application process is not uniform across the board, which leaves room for inefficiencies small business owners inevitably face. How Long Does It Take to Get a Business…

What are HSAs – and How Do They Work for Your Business?

Health savings accounts (HSAs) have existed for about 15 years. And they have grown in popularity. But many companies and individuals still don’t fully understand how they work. And what makes them a good health coverage solution for small businesses? Check out these 10 things to help you decide if HSAs are right for your…

How to Turn Your Website from Blah to Fantastic – and Attract More Customers in the Process

According to a Stanford University study, 75% of consumers judge a company’s credibility based on their website’s design. When it comes to this key marketing tool, it’s not set it and forget it. Reviewing your website performance with a professional marketer is just like checking your profit and loss statement with your accountant. Essential Marketing…

Small Craft Breweries Should Focus on Taste to Win Customers, Survey Shows

The taste of good quality craft beer is uniquely different depending on the brewer. And these varied tastes are what connoisseurs of craft beer search for. Once they find their brew of choice, customers become evangelists trying to convert their friends and family. A new survey by C+R Research says taste is the number one…

Only 28% of Entrepreneurs Were Encouraged to Start Businesses When Young

Starting your own business is far from easy and when you add raising a family to the equation, it quickly gets more complicated. So, it’s no surprise a new study from 99designs reports only 28% of entrepreneurs were encouraged to start a businesses while in school. But most entrepreneurs wouldn’t trade juggling both aspects of…

80% of Americans Experience Tech Frustration Daily, Are Your Customers Among Them?

Digital technology has transformed the way people communicate, socialize, work, shop, play, travel and more. And this has increased their reliance on the technology, which makes it that much more frustrating when something goes wrong. Technology Frustration According to a study by Asurion, 80% of Americans experience some type of tech frustration every day. The…

This Upcoming Workshop Will Help You Gather Better Feedback from Customers

When you really listen to your customers you build long-term relationships, receive feedback, gain more customers and you can even avoid crisis. The Applied Marketing Science (AMS) “Listening to the Voice of the Customer” workshop has been designed to help you do all that and more. From October 16-17, 2019 at the University Club of…

10 Expert Tips for Women Entrepreneurs, Local Businesses and Others

Every business owner’s experience is different. So when you’re considering tips from the experts, it helps to turn to those who have similar qualities or experiences. If your a woman entrepreneur, a local business, or a business owner who’s focusing on SEO or online advertising, here are some tips from members of the online small…

53% of Baby Boomers Say They’ve Experienced Age Discrimination in the Hiring Process

Baby boomers have begun delaying their retirement, and this creates challenges for small businesses. But it also creates opportunities. The experience baby boomers bring to the table is undeniable, but employers are overlooking them. And according to a new study by iHire, 53% of respondents say they have experienced age discrimination. In addition to age…

American Companies Plan to Leave China, How Will the Trade War Impact Your Business?

Roughly one third of surveyed American companies in China will cancel or delay investments in the country due to the ongoing trade standoff with the U.S., according to a May report from the American Chambers of Commerce in China and Shanghai. Even more of those companies, roughly 40 percent, said they are considering moving their…

In the News: Employees Seek Meaning in Their Work; Best Cities Revealed

Another report surfaced this week. It suggests employees these days are more into working to find some kind of happiness rather than wealth. Well, at least happiness is first on the list. These surveys don’t suggest employees want to work for peanuts. But new data from Wrike this week suggests that more than half —…

Best Cities for Young Entrepreneurs

Which cities are most popular with young entrepreneurs — say, between the ages of 25 and 34?  Funny you should ask. We’ve got the data right here. If you’re a young entrepreneur or a millennial looking for a place to start a new venture, consider these accommodating destinations. The best cities for young entrepreneurs tend…

Joe Galvin of Vistage: SMBs Satisfied with Digital Transition Miss Out on Potential Big Payoff from Digital Transformation

Last year I caught up with my buddy Joe Galvin. Galvin serves as Chief Research Officer of Vistage. The business advisory and executive coaching organization’s membership includes more than 22,000 business owners and executive leaders. Recently I caught up with him again. And we talked about a phrase that continues to get a lot of…

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