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How can I repair this chipped clear coat?

Long time lurker, first time poster, DIY-er for life. I need some advice on how to refinish a table top. The clear coat is a mess and chipped away from both ends. The center still seems sturdy, thick, and clear. The bare surface appears (to me) to be inlaid wood veneer over fiber board so I’m assuming its pretty thin. I did a little browsing on google and still need to figure out what kind of clear coat is currently on the table.


Onto the specifics!

How do I clean/prep the exposed wood without ruining it?

There is some residue left over from the chipped off clear coat. I’m worried about using sand paper or scraping and going through the veneer. Also not sure if there is some type of chemical I can use that won’t react with the inlay.

Can I repair the clear coat?

I’m trying to avoid removing the still intact clear coat if possible to not damage the wood. I would love to be able to just “fill in” the missing clear coat but I’m skeptical of how the new and old would blend together.

submitted by /u/MarinationNation
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