Taibbi: Revenge Of The Money Launderers

Taibbi: Revenge Of The Money Launderers Tyler Durden Sat, 09/26/2020 – 16:20 Authored by Matt Taibbi via taibbi.substack.com, On December 11, 2012, U.S. Justice Department officials called a press conference in Brooklyn. The key players were once and future bank lawyer Lanny Breuer (disguised at the time as Barack Obama’s Assistant Attorney General in charge…

NJ State Legislature Passes Ban On Paper Bags, Foam Food-Containers, And Plastic Straws

NJ State Legislature Passes Ban On Paper Bags, Foam Food-Containers, And Plastic Straws Tyler Durden Sat, 09/26/2020 – 15:55 In addition to joining New York in some type of weird social experiment to see how high taxes can get before you drive all of your state’s citizens elsewhere, New Jersey has also decided to now ban…

Should Billionaires Exist?

Should Billionaires Exist? Tyler Durden Sat, 09/26/2020 – 15:30 Authored by Bradley Thomas via The Mises Institute, A mantra popularized by Bernie Sanders and like-minded progressives declares “billionaires should not exist.” The statement serves as both a declaration of the “immorality” of wealth inequality as well as a justification for steep confiscatory taxes on wealth favored by…

Quite a spill: Unfortunate tank leak unleashes torrent of 50,000 LITERS of red wine in Spain (VIDEO)

A glitch at a wine storage facility in Spain’s southeast has produced a fast-growing lake of red wine amounting to tens of thousands of bottles. Bystanders filmed the local disaster as they watched in disbelief. The culprit behind the incident was a leaking storage tank at a winery in Villamalea located in the southeastern Spanish…

Rouhani calls Pompeo ‘minister of crimes’, dubs renewed US sanctions ‘savagery’ against Iranians amid Covid-19 pandemic

A raft of new US sanctions has predictably provoked ire in Tehran, with President Hassan Rouhani saying the “terrorist operation” hinders Iran’s anti-pandemic effort and telling compatriots to “send curses” to the White House. The fresh round of punitive measures, announced earlier this week by the Trump administration, targets 27 individuals and entities within Iran,…

Lebanon’s PM-designate resigns after failing to form govt

Lebanon’s Prime Minister-Designate Mustapha Adib has stepped down, after efforts to create a new government fell through. Adib announced his resignation after meeting with President Michel Aoun on Saturday, saying that he was not able to fulfill the “task of forming the government.” He had struggled for more than a month to create a non-partisan…

2 Charged In Veterans’ Home COVID-19 Outbreak That Left 76 Dead

2 Charged In Veterans’ Home COVID-19 Outbreak That Left 76 Dead Tyler Durden Fri, 09/25/2020 – 16:40 One of the biggest contributing factors to the virus’s lethality during the early days of the US coronavirus outbreak was the fact that several states, particularly New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts, failed to secure nursing homes and…

BLM Stealth-Edits Website Amid Marxist Blowback, Plunge In Americans’ Support

BLM Stealth-Edits Website Amid Marxist Blowback, Plunge In Americans’ Support Tyler Durden Fri, 09/25/2020 – 16:20 A new Associated Press poll finds that there has been a massive 15 point swing and that most Americans are now hostile to Black Lives Matter protests. “The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds…

Dow Suffers Worst Week Since June As Dollar Surges Most In Six Months

Dow Suffers Worst Week Since June As Dollar Surges Most In Six Months Tyler Durden Fri, 09/25/2020 – 16:00 A mixed picture in the major US equity indices this week with mega-tech-heavy Nasdaq managing gains (busting a three-week losing streak) as The Dow suffered its worst week since June, S&P and Dow down for the…

Police arrest attacker after stabbing near former offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris

A knife attack near the former offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris has left several injured. The magazine was the target of a deadly terrorist attack in 2015. It’s still unclear how many people suffered in the attack. Prime Minister Jean Castex said, “the stabbing attack was carried out in the 11th…

France rejects Britain’s ‘intimidation’ after warnings about post-Brexit transport delays

France’s Europe minister Clément Beaune believes British warnings that there could be queues of trucks in southeast England because of post-Brexit documentation issues is disrupting the UK-EU talks. “The signals that have been sent in the past few days are damaging,” Beaune told the Financial Times. “Anything which disrupts, disturbs or increases tensions in the…

Serbian MiG-21 fighter jet crashes near village during routine flight, 1 pilot reportedly killed, 1 missing

A MiG-21 fighter jet has crashed in western Serbia, the country’s Defense Ministry announced. One pilot is reportedly dead, while another is missing. The aircraft was flying a routine mission when it crashed near the village of Brasina. Rescue teams have been dispatched to the scene. Serbian media published photos showing the wreckage of the…

Peter Schiff: The Stock Market Needs The Fed More Than Gold Does

Peter Schiff: The Stock Market Needs The Fed More Than Gold Does Tyler Durden Thu, 09/24/2020 – 16:40 Via SchiffGold.com, The markets are getting clobbered this week with the exception of the US dollar, which hit a 2-month high. Not even the bond market managed to rally even with the stock market selling off and…

Novavax Launches ‘Phase 3’ COVID-19 Vaccine Trials As UK, France Post Record Numbers: Live Updates

Novavax Launches ‘Phase 3’ COVID-19 Vaccine Trials As UK, France Post Record Numbers: Live Updates Tyler Durden Thu, 09/24/2020 – 16:26 Summary: Novavax becomes 5th US project to launch Phase 3 vaccine trials California cases top 3k again Ireland tightens social distancing rules for 2nd time in a week France reports record 16k+ new cases…

Brainard Wants To Be Next Fed Chair, But Biden Has Pegged Her To Head The Treasury: Report

Brainard Wants To Be Next Fed Chair, But Biden Has Pegged Her To Head The Treasury: Report Tyler Durden Thu, 09/24/2020 – 16:19 In news that won’t come as a big surprise to Fed watchers, Bloomberg reports that Joe Biden is focusing on Fed governor Lael Brainard as his Treasury Secretary pick “a choice that…

Beijing says it’s ‘totally within its rights’ to ban threats to China’s security, as 2 Australian scholars are reportedly barred

Beijing said on Thursday it has the right as a sovereign power to refuse entry to anyone spreading disinformation, amid local media reports that two Australian academics have been banned from China. The Foreign Ministry in Beijing did not confirm the reported entry bans, but spokesman Wang Wenbin said during a news briefing on Thursday…

2yo boy miraculously survives being RUN OVER by freight train in India

In an unlikely miracle, a 2-year-old boy survived after being run over by a freight train near New Delhi. The train driver and his assistant have been hailed as heroes for their quick reaction that probably saved the child’s life. The horrifying incident took place along the railway tracks at Ballabgarh station in Haryana, around…

North Korea shot missing South Korean official dead and ‘burnt his body’ – Seoul

The South Korean military has accused North Korea of murdering a state official who went missing earlier this week and disposing of his body. The man is said to have wanted to defect to the North. A 47-year-old Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries staffer went missing on Monday while inspecting the waters off the western…

COVID World… Resist!

COVID World… Resist! Tyler Durden Thu, 09/24/2020 – 00:00 Authored by Iain Davis via Off-Guardian.org, COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship. From New Zealand to the the U.S, so called western democracies have adopted and developed the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single biosecurity State. This globalist corporate…

San Francisco Residents On Alert As Home Invasions Spike 42%

San Francisco Residents On Alert As Home Invasions Spike 42% Tyler Durden Wed, 09/23/2020 – 23:40 San Francisco residents are on edge and sounding the alarm amid a spate of brazen break-ins throughout the city, according to KPIX5, which notes that burglaries in the city were up 42% in the first nine months of the…

Jamie Dimon Says He Supports Taxing The Rich, But Opposes Dems’ “Wealth Tax”

Jamie Dimon Says He Supports Taxing The Rich, But Opposes Dems’ “Wealth Tax” Tyler Durden Wed, 09/23/2020 – 17:00 Before COVID-19 ruined the party, life was good for wealthy Americans. After more than 8 years of interest rates at zero, US stocks were trading at some of their highest valuations since the dot-com era, and…

Election Wildcards

Election Wildcards Tyler Durden Wed, 09/23/2020 – 18:00 Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning, Investors need to be on guard against one or more surprises that can come without warning. I call these the “wildcards” in the election season. It’s hard to know which one might emerge, but it’s not hard to forecast…

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