Oklahoma Teens Charged With Terrorism For Breaking Windows During Protests

Oklahoma Teens Charged With Terrorism For Breaking Windows During Protests Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 22:00 Authored by Jonathan Turley, We have previously discussed my reservations about the use of federal charges of arson and other crimes to prosecute individuals accused of rioting offenses in the recent protests. The concern was the federalization of local offenses.  Now,…

Sierra Club Disowns John Muir Over Friendship With Eugenicists, ‘Perpetuating White Supremacy’

Sierra Club Disowns John Muir Over Friendship With Eugenicists, ‘Perpetuating White Supremacy’ Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 21:40 He may have devoted most of his life to the preservation of America’s wilderness and had a direct hand in the establishment of Yosemite National Park, but legendary environmentalist John Muir was friends with eugenicists – and…

Spain’s Ailing Tourism Sector

Spain’s Ailing Tourism Sector Tyler Durden Thu, 07/23/2020 – 04:15 Considering its pleasant climate, sandy beaches and culturally rich cities, it’s no surprise that Spain is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. As such, the country has come to rely heavily on tourism economically, making it particularly vulnerable to the current crisis. According…

The Nexus Of Global Trade Routes

The Nexus Of Global Trade Routes Tyler Durden Thu, 07/23/2020 – 03:30 Via GEFIRA, The five post-Soviet Central Asian republics – Kazakhstan (19 mln inhabitants), Kyrgyzstan (6), Tajikistan (8,5), Uzbekistan (30) and Turkmenistan (5) – making up a joint area of almost 4 million square kilometers (by roughly one million larger than the area of…

“War” Top Trend On Greek Twitter As Military On ‘High Alert’ Over Turkish Drilling Incursion

“War” Top Trend On Greek Twitter As Military On ‘High Alert’ Over Turkish Drilling Incursion Tyler Durden Thu, 07/23/2020 – 02:45 Greek news sources are reporting that Greece’s military is on “high alert” after on Tuesday Turkish survey ships entered East Mediterranean waters between Cyprus and Greece. And Reuters reports that “Greece accused Turkey on Tuesday of…

Newsroom Job Cuts Up 170% Through June, Worst On Record 

Newsroom Job Cuts Up 170% Through June, Worst On Record  Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 23:00 Newsroom employment continues to slump. From 2018 through June, more than 28,000 employees at US newspapers have been laid off.  Since the start of 2018, newsrooms have had a challenging time, resulting in industry-wide consolidation. The push to digital has been…

Partisanship Has Untethered Americans’ Minds From Objective Reality

Partisanship Has Untethered Americans’ Minds From Objective Reality Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 22:40 Authored by ‘Zman‘ via The Burning Platform blog, Simulacra and Simulation Logic dictates that it is impossible for someone to lie to themselves. A lie is the deliberate, and therefore conscious, telling of a falsehood. The person lying is deliberately trying…

First Pandemic, Now Rainstorms, Headaches For Restaurants Soar 

First Pandemic, Now Rainstorms, Headaches For Restaurants Soar  Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 22:20 Until a proven vaccine, one that has to be mass-produced and handed out to the population, but then again, recent polling data show only half of Americans are willing to take the vaccine once commercially available, the restaurant industry will remain absolutely crushed in a…

British Columbia officially endorses GLORY HOLES for safer sex in coronavirus times

British Columbia’s health authority has released tips for engaging in safer sex amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The advice turned out to be quite kinky, as the public was urged to avoid sharing sex toys and use glory holes instead. The list of tips, titled ‘COVID-19 and Sex’, was released by the British Columbia Center for…

‘Goldilocks’ & the lost world: New technique for tracking far-away planets could help in search for HABITABLE regions of universe

The rediscovery of a planet lost in outer space could signal the beginning of tracking a habitable world in the ‘Goldilocks zone’ of a far distant solar system. The planet is one of hundreds of ‘lost’ planets discovered by astronomers from the University of Warwick, and was the result of a new way of tracking…

Game streaming platform Twitch moves to win over real life sports with new category

The Amazon-owned company Twitch, renowned for online gaming and esports streaming, is branching out into the real world and pushing for sports dominance with its new sports category. Online streaming platform Twitch has announced that it is launching its very own sports category – a move that is set to further entrench its Amazon owner’s growing…

Greece ‘readies its navy’ in response to Turkey’s survey of contested continental shelf

Athens has reportedly set its naval fleet to a state of heightened readiness as both Greece and Cyprus tighten maritime security amid a growing dispute with Turkey over a contested sea shelf region, according to the AFP. The navies of Greece and Cyprus issued a Navigation Telex (Navtex) high alert on Wednesday, in response to…

No place in ‘free society’: German state of Baden Wuerttemberg bans face veils for pupils in schools

The southwestern German state of Baden Wuerttemberg has barred pupils from wearing face veils, such as burqas or niqabs, in primary and secondary schools, arguing that people should not cover their faces in a “free society.” The amendment to education legislation adopted by the state’s government was announced on Tuesday. Regional Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann…

Jewish human rights group urges Uruguay to sell NAZI eagle to museum to prevent purchase by Hitler admirers

A symbol of Nazi Germany – an eagle holding a swastika in its talons – should not fall into the hands of Hitler devotees and should instead go to a public-owned museum, the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles has urged. The two-meter eagle, weighing about 400kg, was recovered from the German World War Two…

Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One

Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One Tyler Durden Thu, 07/23/2020 – 00:00 Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com, The most frequently asked question I get these days is what is going to happen in November, 2020. The election seems to be on the majority of people’s minds even more so…

Strip Clubs Being Left Bare By Paycheck Protection Program

Strip Clubs Being Left Bare By Paycheck Protection Program Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 23:40 Among everybody’s favorite “small businesses” that shut down due to the pandemic earlier this year were our fine country’s strip clubs. And like every other business in the “hospitality” industry, these clubs hoped the government’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) would…

“How We Got Here”: The Transformation Of America

“How We Got Here”: The Transformation Of America Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 23:20 Authored by Frank Miele via RealClearPolitics.com, Earlier this month, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Twitter that he would “transform” America if he were elected. “We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this…

Twitter admits hackers read private messages of 36 VIP users in massive breach, hopes only one ‘elected official’ among them

Hackers gained access to the private messages of at least 36 high-profile Twitter accounts targeted in an unprecedented security breach earlier this month, the company said, among them at least one elected official. “We believe that for up to 36 of the 130 targeted accounts, the attackers accessed the [direct message] inbox, including 1 elected…

‘Nothing lawful in those barracks’: 7 Italian police officers arrested over drug trafficking & torture

Italy has been shocked by a massive scandal in the wake of the arrest of seven Carabinieri officers suspected of being involved in a series of crimes ranging from drug trafficking to unlawful arrests and torture. In an unprecedented move, prosecutors in the northern Italian city of Piacenza closed down and sequestered the local Carabinieri…

Malaria drug chloroquine touted by Trump does NOT inhibit Covid-19, new study finds

German researchers have found no evidence that chloroquine, the antimalarial drug widely rumored to help prevent Covid-19, can actually prevent infection in human lung cells. The new finding, made by researchers from the Infection Biology Unit of the German Primate Center (DPZ), follows studies which showed that chloroquine inhibited the spread of the disease in…

Inequality Is America’s Monster Id

Inequality Is America’s Monster Id Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 16:40 Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, What they don’t understand is inequality is America’s Monster Id: the more you try to suppress it, the more powerful it becomes. The word privilege is much bandied about now. I’ve been writing about privilege for many years, and…

Tesla Soars After Reporting 4th Consecutive GAAP Profit, Is Eligible For S&P500 Index Inclusion

Tesla Soars After Reporting 4th Consecutive GAAP Profit, Is Eligible For S&P500 Index Inclusion Tyler Durden Wed, 07/22/2020 – 16:28 Among the companies reporting earnings, few will be watched as closely as Tesla, whose stock has quadrupled since hitting a March low, rising to a mind-boggling market value of $290 billion, surpassing the market cap…

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