1/3 of Businesses Used Email More Frequently Last Year – Because it Works

There are more ways than ever to market to consumers, but email still continues to deliver the biggest bang for ad dollars. This is taking place even at a time when conversational marketing is growing. A new report titled, “2019 State of Conversational Marketing” shows the rise of this type of marketing using new channels.…

What Everybody Ought to Know about Unretirement – and the Future of Entrepreneurship

Retirement is a word that for most first-time entrepreneurs seems very far away. But strikes panic in those people that are older than 55. However, no matter how you look retirement, it is now changing as the definition of work is evolving. On this week’s Small Business Radio Show, we talk to Chris Farrell, a…

Stress is Your Worst Enemy at Work: 15 Ways to Defeat It

Wondering how to de-stress at work? Looking for de-stressing exercises at work? Stress from tight deadlines and high stakes can cause us to lose focus. If we let stress get the best of us, it can reduce our unicorn ideas to donkey fodder. But if we address it head on, we can stay productive and…

Side Hustle or Full-Time Business: Pros and Cons

Do you dream of giving up your job and being your own boss? Making the jump from employee to entrepreneur and business owner can prove daunting, as well as rewarding. Some people find getting a ‘happy balance’ by remaining in employment but embarking on a side hustle. As a result, they run their own business…

The Ultimate Secrets to Protecting your Business Trademark

In 2017, people registered an estimated 43.2 million active trademarks at 138 Trademark Offices around the world. And that represents an increase of nearly 10 percent compared to 2016 data. Unfortunately, trademark infringement continues to increase as  well. In a 2018 survey of 352 trademark professionals working in the US and western Europe, 81% said…

What is Order Fulfillment and Why is Mastering It Critical to Your Business?

Order fulfillment is about the steps involved in receiving, processing and shipping orders. Take note. Over half of online shoppers earmark speed of delivery when evaluating orders. Here’s what you need to know and why it’s critical for your small business. The Order Fulfillment Process Getting everything right means understanding the process. If you’re going…

Ecommerce Business Failure Rate at 90% After 120 Days – How to Avoid It With Your Business

The success and failure rates of brick and mortar small businesses have been well documented. But how do ecommerce startups fare? According to a new survey by MarketingSignals, the failure rate stands at 90% after 120 days or almost four months. This, of course, is much direr than physical stores. The Small Business Administration (SBA)…

Are You Listening to Your Customers? Learn More at this Event

  Conversational marketing is trending and businesses of all sizes are using the strategy to engage with their customers. This means they have to listen to what their customers are saying more than ever. The Applied Marketing Science (AMS) workshop called, “Listening to the Voice of the Customer” will teach you how to listen to…

10 Ways to Get Real Results and Move the Needle for Your Small Business

Not every small business task will make a big impact for your company. Certain marketing, sales and management tactics are more likely to lead to real results than others. Here are some strategies from members of the online small business community that you can use to really move the needle for your small business. Use…

Know the Basics of Fonts and How They Affect Your Marketing

Digital technology has made people more aware of the importance of typography, or fonts. Whether it is an ad on a computer or images on a smartphone, people notice fonts more than ever. And this is what a new infographic from MDG Advertising is looking to do. Increase your awareness by teaching you the basics…

Women Entrepreneurs: 6 Secret Techniques to Overcome the Funding Gap

There are more than 11.6 million businesses in the United States that are women-owned. Out of businesses that generate $1 million or more, 1 in 5 is owned by women. Being a female entrepreneur is looking better each and every day. But, with all of the progress that’s been made, there are still looming disparities.…

In the News: Back to School Retail Sales Expected to Rise in 2019

There’s a lot of good news this week for small business owners that’s looking in the rear view. But let’s look a little bit ahead and some big news this week for some retail small businesses. New data from the National Retail Federation suggests that Back to School shoppers plan to spend $40 more this…

David West of the Historical Basketball League: Disrupting the NCAA’s Stranglehold on Pathway to the NBA is Right Thing To Do

One of my favorite conferences to attend every year is the annual Sports and Entertainment Alliance in Technology (SEAT) conference. It’s one of the leading events for C-level execs at professional sports teams and leagues. This includes the NFL, NBA, MLB and MLS. But it also includes major college athletic departments. And it’s the only…

US House Bills Make it Easier for Small Businesses to Access Disaster Funding, Cyber Security

Small businesses face considerable challenges. These include everything from natural and man-made disasters to burdensome regulations. You could be talking about a hurricane, cyber-attack or a regulation so demanding it discourages entrepreneurs. The result remains the same. They stop small businesses from running their companies and being efficient. Government leaders wanted to eliminate or reduce…

The CEO Decided to Get Right to the Point

This article, “The CEO Decided to Get Right to the Point” was first published on Small Business Trends Top Featured Tags: – Business Press Release Distribution Service

The Average Business Gets 59 Actions from Their Google My Business Listing

Before today’s digital ecosystem, local small businesses had a hard time growing their brand. Word of mouth and traditional advertising was the only way to go. And the high cost of advertising meant they did very little of it. However, a small business can now let everyone (including a global audience) know who and where…

12 More Profitable Crops for Small Farms

If you’re interested in starting an agricultural business, you need to choose a crop or crops to focus on. There’s a seemingly endless list of choices out there, from small herbs and spices to large trees and landscaping products. According to the USDA, there are plenty of specialty crops that can be sold at a…

Consumers Set to Spend $40 More This Year on Back to School Shopping

There are several shopping days on the calendar businesses should be aware of. While Black Friday and the holiday season are a no brainer, back to school should also be on that list. 2019 Back to School Statistics According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), total spending on K-12 schools and college is projected at…

The 10 Most Profitable Types of Restaurants for Entrepreneurs to Consider

Restaurants aren’t known for having especially high profit margins. In fact, the average profit margin in the industry fall between 2 and 6 percent. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t earn a solid living by opening a restaurant — you just need to choose one of the more profitable types of restaurants. There’s a…

20 Tips to Effectively Reduce Office Clutter

Research shows the productivity of a business can be seriously affected by the amount of clutter around the work space. And a decrease in productivity usually means a decrease in profits. Small businesses operating out of smaller spaces tend to be the worst effected by this problem. But it is also an easy problem to…

In the Spotlight: HomeGate Real Estate Has the Properties to Help Its Brokers Succeed

There are real estate offices all over the country. So it might seem like there isn’t really a way that a company can put a new spin on things. But HomeGate Real Estate thinks differently. Based in Charleston, South Carolina, the company sets itself apart not by how it offers real estate solutions to consumers,…

3 Common Small Business Myths Debunked

Sponsored Post Small and medium businesses (SMBs) have a reputation for being capable and dedicated, two sentiments my team and I have definitely found to be true. But we had some questions about a few of the other descriptors we’ve heard — and thanks to data from the latest Small and Medium Business Trends Report by Salesforce…

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