Upcoming Training Workshop Teaches You to Better Listen to Your Customers

The ability to listen to your customers more effectively has introduced new challenges and opportunities. Because of digital technology, your customers can let you know how they feel on your website, social media channel, blog, and other outlets. Applied Marketing Science (AMS) is holding a training workshop titled, “Listening to the Voice of the Customer”…

10 Strategic Tips to Help You Earn More Income from Your Business Online

Today’s businesses have so many opportunities to earn an income online. Whether you use your website, social media or platforms like YouTube, it’s important to have a strategy to help you optimize your revenue. Here are some tips from members of the online small business community to help you do just that. Increase Website Earnings…

Finding Targeted Training for Your Team Doesn’t Have to be Hard, Check Out These Resources

Two of today’s critical employment trends make offering ongoing training crucial for business success: The job market is tight and finding outside qualified candidates is difficult, and Professional training is among the most highly valued employment benefits for Millennials. Before I detail some excellent sources for ongoing education and training, let me also say that…

Thinking About Whether Being a Business Owner is for You? 9 Skills You’ll Need

One of the pleasures I have in traveling the country speaking to thousands of business owners is hearing many of their challenges. Of course the desire to get more customers and keep the ones they already having buy more is ONE big challenge. However, I also hear from business owners who are FRUSTRATED in growing…

Ramon Ray of Smart Hustle Magazine: You Don’t Need to Be Shaquille O’Neal to be a Celebrity CEO

I’m sure the Small Business Trends audience knows who Ramon Ray is.  In fact most folks in the small business community here in the states have probably seen him speaking at industry conferences, moderating panels, running sites like SmallBizTechnology.com (which he recently sold) and publishing Smart Hustle Magazine (and running its annual conference), and writing…

In the News: Study Says Remote Workers Feel More Left Out Than They Would in the Office

If you have virtual employees or even people who work remotely just some of the time, you’ll want to hear this. A new survey of those people this week revealed many of them feel left out of the workplace. The report comes from the company Igloo. It found 70% of remote workers feel left out…

50% of Small Business Owners Saw a 10% Tax Bill Decrease in 2019

Half the respondents to a new survey saw their tax bill drop. Some tout the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as a reason. Another equal amount reported their tax bill remained the same. The Q1 2019 Vistage CEO Confidence Index also found a small percentage of respondents saw increases in their taxes. Small Business…

Management’s Policies Have Become More – Flexible

Sometimes a cartoon has been sitting there right in front of you for forever and you just never bothered to notice. Take for example the phrase “my way or the highway.” We’ve all heard it, read it, written it, said it. But it occurred to me after more than 47 years of hearing it that…

25 Most Popular Office Snacks – And How to Get Them Delivered

Snacking is an essential part of office culture. If you run a small business, you may find it beneficial to stock your office break room with a variety of items to keep employees happy and healthy. Here are some of the most popular office snacks to consider, including may healthy options and a few that…

Your Phone Interview Cheat Sheet for Success

Sponsored Post Phone interviews are becoming a nearly ubiquitous piece of the job seeking process. Even though they’re becoming more common, they can still be intimidating. With the right amount of preparation, though, you’ll be one step closer to getting a new job. In this article, we detail some essential phone interview tips and strategies…

Fascinating Small Business Security Tactics that Can Help Your Business Grow

Managing your business is an undertaking that requires you to pay attention to many different factors, and it’s not always easy to keep up with them. One of the areas that are critical to the survival of your company is security. Unfortunately, many small business owners are not aware of the many different threats that…

Secrets of Standing Out with your Side Hustle Revealed

In today’s financial climate, having a side hustle or a small business is practically mandatory. In large part, people want to own something of their own, or they want to be able to support a passion they have. One of the first pieces of business advice you’ll ever hear is to niche down. Speak to specific…

Will a New Oregon Bill Prevent Small Restaurants from Handing Out Plastic Straws to Customers?

The Oregon Senate passed a bill Thursday that would ban restaurants from freely handing out plastic straws to customers. Oregon Plastic Straw Bill Customers dining inside must explicitly request a straw to get one. The rule does not apply to drive-through customers. “We use a straw for less than an hour, but it continues to…

Writing an About Page for Your Business Doesn’t Have to Be Hard, Read These 4 Tips

Here’s a food for thought: as a modern, fairly tech-savvy small business owner, have you designed an amazing ‘About’ page that crisply conveys your brand’s message, inspires trust, and facilitates further action by the user? Probably not. Although the ‘About’ page is inherent to just about any website, it is especially important for business websites…

5 Things Customers Want from Retail Stores and How You Can Deliver

The world of retail is changing — perhaps faster than at any time in history. How can a small retailer keep up with what customers want? One way is by keeping up with the latest retail insights from retail consulting firm BRP. The company does a wealth of consumer surveys to find out what today’s…

Study Shows How Apprehensive Younger Employees Are About Drug Screening

The drug laws across the country are currently in a fluid state as more communities relax the rules they have in place. For small businesses who want to carry out drug screening tests of their employees, these are challenging times. A new report from JDP analyzed how young workers are coping with the issue of…

Thinking About Snacks for your Concession Business? These 15 Foods are Highly Profitable

The concession industry reached $3 billion in revenue in 2018. It encapsulates a variety of businesses, from street food vendors to those who serve food at special events. Concession businesses tend to be especially busy during warm months, since the often operate outdoors or during major events. However, there are enough food options available that…

Sick and Tired of the Things that have Traditionally Held Women Entrepreneurs Back? Read This

Traditionally, women seem less likely to own businesses than men. Commitments at home prevented this in the past. And more modern hurdles include lack of access to funding, mentors and training. But women today have become slightly more likely to start businesses than men. And technology has provided some of  these opportunities. Clearly, entrepreneurship appeals to…

Top 10 Reasons to Get an All-in-One System to Operate Your Business

Do you have the software blues?  That’s when you are trying to leverage technology to operate your business — but finding that software isn’t helping meet your goals.  In fact, technology gets in the way. You’re looking for efficiency, speed and money savings.  What you get instead is more complexity. This is the precise problem…

Spotlight: Money Crashers Builds Personal Finance Brand Where Insight and Resources Collide

Whether you’re a business owners or an individual, managing your money is a very important task. You need resources and insights from experts to make the most of your finances. And that’s exactly the type of resource that Money Crashers aims to provide. Read more about the online publication and the company behind it in…

Top 10 eBay Inventory Management Tools

Need some further convincing that eBay is a great way to sell your goods and services? A quick look at just some of the recent numbers should do the job. There are over 25 million sellers on the platform pitching products to 168 million active buyers. eBay Inventory Management Tools That’s why having this list…

Want to Earn Money or Build Authority with Your Blog? 12 Tips You Can Act On Today

Blogging offers an amazing opportunity to build authority and earn income. You can create a blog about anything you have knowledge about or experience in. The key is to choose a niche and dive in — serving a specific audience is better than writing about a jumble of topics. Whether you want to focus on a business…

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