83% of Employees Use 3 or More Applications at Work

You’ll find it tough to recruit in a full employment economy. So try to embrace intelligent automation and structure proven processes to grow profitably.  Do not rely on more people to complete tasks inside your company. Instead use smart artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the many processes your small business does every day. Intelligent Automation…

Cracking the Code on Fintech for Your Business

How Fintech is Helping Small Businesses in Good Times and Bad Businesses of all sizes have used fintech for years to save time or grow. As a result, many SMBs rely on fintech every day to operate efficiently. In times of chaos, a business can even keep its head above water using fintech. Though this…

Hey Marketers, Americans Still Spend 5 Hours a Day on Email

According to the 2019 “Adobe Email Usage Study,” Americans check their work email (three-plus hours a day) and personal email (two-plus hours a day). This comes out to around five hours per day checking emails. Considering the demise of email was predicted for more than a decade, the study shows people still value it. It…

Only 31% of Employees Get Annual Training on Cyber Security

The Chubb’s Third Annual Cyber Report reveals employee education is key for small businesses to prevent cyberattacks. Even with headline after headline about the latest data breach, people are not encouraged to defend against their cyber exposure. The goal of the report is to determine the level of understanding individuals have about their cyber risks.…

Get Inspired by True Industry Leaders at This San Mateo Event

If you want to get inspired by leaders of their industry, then the Real Estate Wealth Expo taking place at the San Mateo County Convention Center is the place to be. You will be learning from: Sylvester Stallone, Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, James Harris, Trent Shelton and 9 Self-Made Millionaires. The event will…

Top Story: Report Says Remote Employees May Work for Less

The virtual office isn’t just a benefit to small businesses looking to grow quickly — at least faster than they would in a physical office. But now, we’re seeing signs that this is truly something your employees, current and future, may prefer. This week, a new report from Owl Labs found that 34% of your…

Kellie Romack of Hilton: Giving Employees the Same Great Technology We Give Our Customers is Key to Our Success

Back from another conference!  This time it was Oracle’s big annual user conference OpenWorld in San Francisco.  And baked into that conference is NetSuite’s (acquired by Oracle a few years ago) SuiteConnect event. There I caught up with a few small business friends including Melinda Emerson (aka Small Biz Lady), Laurie McCabe and Ramon Ray.…

Looking for Top Talent? Give Employees More Paid Time Off

Small businesses are discovering it is getting harder to find talent in an economy with historically low unemployment. Not only are they competing with businesses in their segment, but also large enterprises. This means they have to get creative to find and retain the available talent in the marketplace. And according to a report from…

The Numbers Presented to the Team Were a Total Fairy Tale

This article, “The Numbers Presented to the Team Were a Total Fairy Tale” was first published on Small Business Trends Top Featured Tags: – Business Press Release Distribution Service

Constant Contact Expands Marketing Suite

In most cases, the journey of the small business owner now requires a working understanding of the digital ecosystem. This includes having a website, eCommerce, social media, and even creating logos. Constant Contact Marketing Suite With that in mind, Constant Contact has created a suite of branding, eCommerce and productivity tools for small businesses. It…

What is a Wantrepreneur and How Can You Avoid Being One?

As the name suggests, a wantrepreneur aspires to own their own business and become an entrepreneur. A wantrepreneur doesn’t hold back in talking about their great business idea. Though the bragging often doesn’t turn into action. And the wantrepreneur can tend keep on talking about their business idea forever! Traits of a Wantrepreneur Some of…

34% of Your Employees Might Take a Pay Cut to Work Remotely

Because of the available technology today, working remotely is as effective as working at the office. And this is giving businesses more flexibility when it comes to where their employees choose to work. But some people prefer working remotely so much, they are willing to take a pay cut. According to a new report from…

In the Spotlight: International Van Lines Moves Towards Better Customer Service

Working in an industry is the perfect way to learn what you need to know before starting a business. That’s exactly what the founder of International Van Lines did before jumping into entrepreneurship. He realized that there were plenty of issues with the moving and logistics industry. So he decided to solve them. Read about…

How to Choose the Best Workspace for Your Startup?

It may not be quite as important as what you’re working on, but where you work matters, too. For a startup, having the right workspace can mean the difference between trudging along in mediocrity and unleashing your team’s full potential. So how do you decide where your office will be? The Importance of Your Physical…

51% of Americans Handle Work Calls – and More – In the Bathroom

A new study finds (51%) of Americans read, answer work calls and/or emails in the bathroom on their cell phones. Another large group of respondents (48%) spend an hour a day or more checking them for work related reasons. Statistics for Cell Phone Use at Work Scott Lucas, VP of Commercial Sales at Wilson Electronics,…

68% of Entrepreneurs Not Looking for Gig Work

In the fourth edition of the Megaphone of Main Street report from SCORE, 68% of entrepreneurs say they are looking for full-time self-employment, as opposed to gig work. Even though gig workers are now classified as contractors by the Department of Labor, the fact they need to always look for the next gig doesn’t sit…

Vermont Small Businesses Lead the Nation for Revenue Growth

How are U.S. small businesses doing in the midst of the trade and recession talk? According to the Kabbage Small Business Revenue Index, they are experiencing double-digit gains. In fact, revenue for small businesses grew by 19.2% between January 2018 and January 2019. The number from Q2 2018 to Q2 2019 is an impressive 18.5%,…

7 Secrets to a Successful Pop-up Shop

Pop-up shops are a great way to test a new retail idea, expand your retail store or just increase your seasonal sales. But what does it take to make your pop-up store successful? Here are seven secrets to making your pop-up a smash hit. Pop-Up Shop Tips Have a Specific Goal Pop-up shops can accomplish…

Uber and Lyft Drivers May Soon Be Employees in California – While Entrepreneurs Hotly Debate

A bill that has passed the California State Senate promises to reclassify some gig workers as full time employees. Assembly Bill 5 The consequences of Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) becoming a law could have far reaching effects on small businesses using these types of contract workers. First and foremost, business costs could skyrocket. As expected,…

Where Can You Get Employee Uniforms for Your Business?

Providing employees with uniforms brings a number of benefits to your small business. For example it promotes your business, helps meet health and safety requirements, encourages team spirit and reinforces branding. Employee Uniform Suppliers But knowing where to purchase quality workwear presents a challenge. As a result, Small Business Trends has collected a list of…

How to Use Company Culture to Make Better Decisions

Culture is a word that gets thrown around a lot in small business as a key element to success. But, if you are not proactively building one to grow your company, someone else in your organization may be building it for their own purposes. Why You Need a Company Culture On this week’s Small Business…

Get Paid on Time With These Invoice Tips

Getting paid — let alone on-time — has long been a problem for business owners. Large corporations can shoulder the burden of delayed payment. However, small and medium-sized companies can’t go that long without payment. Late payments and unpaid invoices can create serious cash flow problems for a business. In some cases, payment delays can shut a…

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