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Why SKAGs Are No Longer a PPC Best Practice (and How to Respond)

The worst-kept secret, once upon a time Step into my time machine, and let us take a journey. It’s 2015. You’re studying PPC best practices, looking for ways to level up your SEM campaigns and boost ROI from Search. You stumble upon a “hack” for optimal keyword performance, your elusive unicorn: the SKAG (Single Keyword…

Increase Your Landing Page Speed (By Stealing Our Homework)

If you’ve read Unbounce’s 2019 Page Speed Report (and you really should), then you already know why speed is so important this year. Slow-loading landing pages have always been an obstacle to higher conversions, and now Google is punishing poor mobile load times in its search rankings. To be successful in 2019, we—marketers—need to be…

Your Shortcut to Lightning-Fast Speeds. AMP Landing Pages Come to Unbounce.

In 2019, more than half of all web pages will be loaded on smartphones. This means more prospects than ever before will connect to your business while on the go. But it also means more of ‘em will connect while hurrying between appointments—or while fighting for a seat on public transit, or while struggling with…

The Sneaky Tactic Ecommerce Brands Use to Attract More Customers

Have you ever seen that video of the kid trying to collect water in a wire bucket? It’s pretty hilarious: Problem is, it’s also painfully reminiscent of a lot of marketers’ strategy. Sure, they’re working hard and hustling. But the processes, funnels, and journeys they use create more leaks than that kid’s bucket. And when…

3 B2B Conversion Optimization Practices You’ve (Probably) Overlooked

A joint study by Econsultancy and RedEye found that only 28% of companies are satisfied with their conversion rates, while 37% reported they’re either quite dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. There could be many reasons for this lack of satisfaction. But from what I’ve seen with my past CRO projects, one major cause is marketers frequently…

Email Marketing: How to engage with your current prospects and drive more traffic to your site

ONE SIMPLE TACTIC: Move your main call-to-action to the top section of your email, and make sure it’s clear and prominent. HERE’S WHY: Remember, the goal isn’t to get the vacation package booking within your email — that’s the website’s job. Your goal is to get the click. As marketers, we often want to throw…

Value Sequencing Decider Graphic

Expressing value is the core of marketing. But you shouldn’t express the same value messages at every point of the customer journey or to every customer. Different people need to understand different elements of your product or service’s value at different points. Complex, I know. But let’s try to have a little fun with it.…

Every Conversion Copywriter Should Be Skilled at Interviewing

At this one ad agency I knew of, their main copywriter was one of the few people who didn’t work in the building. Because he wasn’t really part of the team. Account executives would just send over some information. And he would send back the written copy. Input. Output. Now, copywriters can certainly be successful…

15 Resources to Help You Use a Repeatable Process for Conversion Rate Optimization

If only marketing were more like tires. I recently discovered that the tires on my Nissan LEAF were recalled, not the specific tires on my car, just that tire model. And it turns out, only the tires manufactured between February 5th and February 18th in a specific plant of that model were included in the recall.…

The Zen of Headline Writing

The headline is the molecular unit of optimization. If you can write a good headline, you already have a good understanding of the fundamental principles of marketing. Moreover, a headline represents one of the best ways for the marketer to achieve a major lift with a (dev-free) minor change. In this interactive YouTube Live replay,…