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The End of Web Design: Don’t design for the web, design for the mind

In case you’re worried by this title, no, web design is not going anywhere. However, the way that we approach web design is radically changing, and if we as marketers do not change with it, we will be left with poorly converting websites that do not serve the customer or your business. In order to…

LinkedIn’s List of 24 B2B Marketers You Need to Know

In honor of it’s fifth anniversary, LinkedIn has released a revamped edition of The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn. The eBook features a powerful array of digital marketing smarties, each who shared their insights and practical advice on how to get the most out of LinkedIn—from optimizing your profile to expanding your network.  The TopRank Marketing…

Digital Marketing News: B2B’s AI Questions, Marketers Struggle with Personalization, Nielsen’s Neuroscience, & Brands Try Twitch

The post Digital Marketing News: B2B’s AI Questions, Marketers Struggle with Personalization, Nielsen’s Neuroscience, & Brands Try Twitch appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®. Press Release Distribution Service

5 Essential Questions to Guide Your B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy

The post 5 Essential Questions to Guide Your B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®. Press Release Distribution Service

20 Podcasts To Elevate Your B2B Marketing

Gaining insight, advice, and new perspectives from top B2B marketing industry leaders is an incredible way to help scale your marketing skills and efforts to new heights. And podcasts, which are exploding in availability and popularity, can be a fantastic medium for getting access to those talented and seasoned industry leaders. From the emerging B2B…

How to Get It Done: Project Management Tips for Content Marketing Managers

When I was in high school, we had a science class project in which we were grouped into teams, and tasked with building a catapult. Whichever contraption could launch a tennis ball the farthest would win the contest. We quickly learned that the hardest part wasn’t constructing the actual catapult. It was wrangling all the…

The Future of B2B Content: Data-Informed, Interactive, and Influential

Before starting on any new marketing initiative or trying a new tactic, B2B marketers need to answer and essential question: Why? While most B2B marketers won’t admit it, many still practice some “spaghetti/wall marketing” wherein each year they throw new digital tactics “against the wall” to see what sticks without really knowing why a tactic…

Digital Marketing News: Online Ad Spend’s Speedy Growth, Google’s Podcast Transcriptions, & Adobe’s LinkedIn Push

The post Digital Marketing News: Online Ad Spend’s Speedy Growth, Google’s Podcast Transcriptions, & Adobe’s LinkedIn Push appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®. Press Release Distribution Service

Q1’s a Wrap, B2B Marketers: Where We’ve Been & What’s Next in 2019

We made it, B2B marketers. Spring is finally in the air and Quarter 1 is officially a wrap. Take a moment to bask in your individual, team, and business successes—you earned it. As is tradition, in just a few short months the digital marketing industry has experienced some newsworthy shifts—from a big Google algorithm update…

B2B Marketers, Are Your Content Marketing Efforts Sparking Joy for Your Audience?

Best-selling author, tidying expert, and star of a massively successful Netflix show, Marie Kondo, is really on to something. Her simple yet effective tidying method is brilliant, but what it stands for is what’s truly inspiring. All over the world, people are asking themselves a simple yet powerful question: Does it spark joy? ? via…