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How Envoy, a Silicon-Valley start-up, is testing its way to continuous growth

Company: Envoy Industry: Software; Technology Business Model: Lead generation Experimentation Champion: Michele Pendergast, Head of Demand Generation Business Need: Short-term:…Read blog postabout:How Envoy, a Silicon-Valley start-up, is testing its way to continuous growth The post How Envoy, a Silicon-Valley start-up, is testing its way to continuous growth appeared first on WiderFunnel Conversion Optimization. Press Release…

How To Choose the Right Ad Platform for Your Business

When you’re just starting out, it can be a struggle to find simple advice about where you should be advertising your business online. The digital marketing world can be noisy, after all, and everyone has an opinion. Your friend tells you that Google Ads is just too expensive. The blogs all say Facebook is for…

Mobile Landing Page Examples That Seriously Set the Bar

We’ve all had frustrating experiences browsing the web on our phones: load times that seem to carry on forever; pages that are cluttered and difficult to navigate; long, rambling blocks of text that make it tough to understand what you’re even looking at. Well, at Unbounce, we’re putting our foot down. We’re tired of junky…

More For Your Clients, More For You: The Best Way to Give Your Agency an Edge This Year

  The agency life ain’t easy. There’s constant competition to acquire new clients and new agencies are poppin’ up every day. You know your agency delivers and that your team is stacked with experts. You know your clients will be happy they chose you because you’ve got a great track record. But, you also know…

8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)

Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play? I’ve seen landfills with better curation. With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter…

Sloppy PPC Landing Pages Hurt Your Ad Spend. Here’s How To Fix ‘Em.

Median conversion rates hover between 3-6%, according to the Conversion Benchmark Report. But the best? Anywhere between 12-27%. That’s two to five times the median. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re stuck somewhere in the depressingly-low single digits. Most are. You’ve got the right keywords, your Ad Groups are on point, and your…

Why SKAGs Are No Longer a PPC Best Practice (and How to Respond)

The worst-kept secret, once upon a time Step into my time machine, and let us take a journey. It’s 2015. You’re studying PPC best practices, looking for ways to level up your SEM campaigns and boost ROI from Search. You stumble upon a “hack” for optimal keyword performance, your elusive unicorn: the SKAG (Single Keyword…

Increase Your Landing Page Speed (By Stealing Our Homework)

If you’ve read Unbounce’s 2019 Page Speed Report (and you really should), then you already know why speed is so important this year. Slow-loading landing pages have always been an obstacle to higher conversions, and now Google is punishing poor mobile load times in its search rankings. To be successful in 2019, we—marketers—need to be…

Your Shortcut to Lightning-Fast Speeds. AMP Landing Pages Come to Unbounce.

In 2019, more than half of all web pages will be loaded on smartphones. This means more prospects than ever before will connect to your business while on the go. But it also means more of ‘em will connect while hurrying between appointments—or while fighting for a seat on public transit, or while struggling with…

The Sneaky Tactic Ecommerce Brands Use to Attract More Customers

Have you ever seen that video of the kid trying to collect water in a wire bucket? It’s pretty hilarious: Problem is, it’s also painfully reminiscent of a lot of marketers’ strategy. Sure, they’re working hard and hustling. But the processes, funnels, and journeys they use create more leaks than that kid’s bucket. And when…