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Heatmaps – The Hot Diagnostic Tool for B2B Marketers!

From generating quality leads to driving more traffic to your website, the efforts invested in B2B marketing are nearly twice as more as compared to any other industry, especially B2C. Each lead is a potential customer, which means everything done in the process demands utmost precision – taking the right steps to highlight your brand’s…

Heatmap Analysis: Top 5 Pages To Focus Your Attention On!

Marketers can map the performance of their campaigns from various data sources. Most often this leads to them being overly obsessed with metrics. But, not all numbers penned on paper help derive befitting conclusions that promise results. This is where qualitative information about visitor behavior helps to connect the missing dots in user research. Qualitative…

[Infographic] Turn Your E-commerce Store Into A Conversion Magnet

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[CRO Best Practices] Insights From eCommerce CRO Apex Predators:

(The following article derives source from Harvard Business Review’s case study about’s hallowed experimentation culture.) 1,000 concurrent experiments. Tests that can be deployed across 75 countries and 43 languages in under an hour. A/B tests that cover a span of 1.2 million hotels, homestays, and inns—if ever there was an organization that bleeds CRO…

A/B Testing Insights Through Ecommerce Customer Journey

A seamless eCommerce customer journey is about transitioning from just “buying” to “experiencing.” The key to growing your online business is to let your customers explore, decide, and share, and then learn from their experience. Over the years, A/B testing has evolved from a simple comparative study to a process backed up by a data-driven…

A/B Testing Ideas To Turn Your E-commerce Store Into A Conversion Magnet

Is your e-commerce website experiencing high traffic but low checkouts? Is your cart abandonment rate at an all-time high? Are you losing prospective customers because something on your website is putting them off and you are not sure how to make visitors leave the site only after finishing a purchase? This blog will help you…

Meet Rover: The chatbot that scaled CRO through automation

Continuous experimentation and testing increases conversions at high growth and data-driven organizations. Scaling a conversion rate optimization (CRO) program requires not only building a long-term testing roadmap but also building a culture of experimentation involving multiple teams and stakeholders across the company. As the scope of CRO projects increases, so does the difficulty of management…

[eBook] The Advanced Guide To Scaling A Conversion Optimization Program

It’s 2019, and the talk around conversion optimization being essential is now dated. If you’re in any way responsible for improving conversions on a digital property, chances are, you would already have a conversion optimization program up and running. It’s a lever you just can’t do without. However, no one’s talking about what comes after…

5 Things Customers Want from Retail Stores and How You Can Deliver

The world of retail is changing — perhaps faster than at any time in history. How can a small retailer keep up with what customers want? One way is by keeping up with the latest retail insights from retail consulting firm BRP. The company does a wealth of consumer surveys to find out what today’s…

Study Shows How Apprehensive Younger Employees Are About Drug Screening

The drug laws across the country are currently in a fluid state as more communities relax the rules they have in place. For small businesses who want to carry out drug screening tests of their employees, these are challenging times. A new report from JDP analyzed how young workers are coping with the issue of…