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What Customers Expect with Cross-Channel Marketing

Cross-channel marketing may be a buzzword, but it’s always been a best practice. Even when a product clearly lends itself to a certain channel, customers are — and always have been — cross-channel. Take cars. Yes, there’s a reason you hear so many radio ads about automobiles: You usually listen while you’re driving one. That’s…

How to Make Exceptional Communication Your Winning Difference

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I wrote this tagline: “Remarkable business begins with remarkable communication.”… Continue Reading The post How to Make Exceptional Communication Your Winning Difference appeared first on Copyblogger. Press Release Distribution Service

Can CCPA, GDPR compliance help marketers exceed consumer expectations?

Understanding consumers expectations and the implications of data regulations can help marketers successfully (and legally) create better customer outcomes. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Reimagining classic ad campaigns for a multi-screen world

Here are a few best practices using well-known commercials from the past to illustrate the new demands on brands. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Irish GDPR investigation of Google could impact entire programmatic ecosystem

The complaint that triggered the investigation argues the programmatic RTB exposes sensitive, personal data without sufficient protection. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Facebook Ads Manager issues are causing major headaches for advertisers

Marketers report seeing noticeable problems as far back as last November when the platform suffered an outage days before Black Friday. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Google’s Duplex Uses A.I. to Mimic Humans (Sometimes)

In a free service, bots call restaurants and make reservations. The technology is impressive, except for when the caller is actually a person. Press Release Distribution Service

Amazon Investors Reject Proposals on Climate Change and Facial Recognition

The resolutions, voted on by shareholders, would have pushed the company to reconsider its societal impact. Press Release Distribution Service

Break out the sanitizer: 10 of the germiest places you encounter while traveling

Do you ever get sick when you travel? Chances are you’ve contracted something from one of the offenders on this list of the germiest places.           Press Release Distribution Service

American CEO: 'I don't know … that any amount of marketing' can reassure flyers on 737 Max

American CEO Doug Parker said marketing won’t convince skittish travelers, but if pilots board, travelers should know Boeing 737 Max is “100% safe.”           Press Release Distribution Service