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Overton Window

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 5 # Comments: 0 Press Release Distribution Service

CEO of Marriott Statements About Hotel Fees Customers Loathe

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 7 # Comments: 0 Press Release Distribution Service

Soil Erosion: Why soil is disappearing from farms

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 24 # Comments: 21 Press Release Distribution Service

Why landfill is underrated and recycling overrated

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 48 # Comments: 16 Press Release Distribution Service

Why your next smart bulb might have Bluetooth inside

While the Zigbee wireless standard has traditionally ruled the roost when it comes to wireless smart bulb protocols, Bluetooth appears to be gaining momentum. Press Release Distribution Service

iOS 13: How to quickly connect to Bluetooth devices

You’ve got YouTube or your favorite music app open and are ready to kick back, when you realize your favorite Bluetooth headphones aren’t connected to your iPhone anymore. So you have to leave your app, find and open the Settings app, go into the Bluetooth menu, connect to your headphones, then close it all and…

Baseball and American exceptionalism

The national pastime reflects America’s easily mocked—but often successful—desire to be different Press Release Distribution Service

FBI files suggest MLK was more complicated than his myth

But can documents from an agency that hounded King be trusted? Press Release Distribution Service

Democratic presidential candidates are making promises they cannot deliver

Even if one of them beats Donald Trump, their most ambitious schemes are bound to be undone by electoral reality Press Release Distribution Service

Foreign travellers to America face scrutiny of their online activity

People applying for a visa must disclose email addresses and social-media accounts Press Release Distribution Service