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Tactics for capturing voice of customer and building delightful digital experiences

The bottom line here is: If you’re working to become a customer-obsessed brand, part of that process has to be…Read blog postabout:Tactics for capturing voice of customer and building delightful digital experiences The post Tactics for capturing voice of customer and building delightful digital experiences appeared first on WiderFunnel Conversion Optimization. Press Release Distribution Service

Video On Ref’s Replay Screen Just Adam Silver Demanding He Call Fewer Fouls On Warriors

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Report: What You Just Said Reminds Man Of Thing He’d Rather Talk About

CHICAGO—According to a report issued Friday by sociologists at DePaul University, local man Nick Mahedy has cut you off mid-sentence because what you just said reminded him of something he would prefer to talk about instead. The report states that moments ago, when you started to speak about the NBA playoffs, the mere… Read more……

‘The world has never seen anything like this’: WHO chief on battling Ebola in a war zone

‘The world has never seen anything like this’: WHO chief on battling Ebola in a war zone ‘The world has never seen anything like this’: WHO chief on battling Ebola in a war zone, Published online: 02 May 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01432-y Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus talks about fighting the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo…

How a particle racing through a vacuum leaves a trail of blue light

How a particle racing through a vacuum leaves a trail of blue light How a particle racing through a vacuum leaves a trail of blue light, Published online: 02 May 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01430-0 Blue-tinged Cherenkov radiation could help to illuminate quantum interactions between light and matter. Press Release Distribution Service

Hotspot in the genome may drive psychosis in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

A newly identified epigenetic hotspot for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may give scientists a fresh path forward for devising more effective treatments and biomarker-based screening strategies. More than 100 million people worldwide have either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, which are characterized by periods of hallucinations, delusions and irregular thought processes. They are both associated with…

Quantum sensor for photons

A photodetector converts light into an electrical signal, causing the light to be lost. Researchers have now built a quantum sensor that can measure light particles non-destructively. It can be used to further investigate the quantum properties of light. Press Release Distribution Service

UK could lose 30,000 fintech jobs after ‘hard Brexit’

Ireland, Malta, Denmark, Cyprus, Sweden and Luxembourg are all cited as locations fintech firms may move to if the UK loses ‘passporting’ rights. Press Release Distribution Service

Quiz: How much do you know about Google DeepMind?

Take our Google DeepMind quiz and see if you’re smarter than a robot… Press Release Distribution Service

Why Digital Asset Management Matters in B2B Marketing

The post Why Digital Asset Management Matters in B2B Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®. Press Release Distribution Service