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It's official: 'Avengers: Endgame' is bigger than 'Titanic' with $2.2B at global box office

“Avengers: Endgame” has crossed the $2 billion mark at the global box office in record time. It’s blown past “Titanic” and is closing in on “Avatar.”           Press Release Distribution Service

Da Vinci’s hand impairment caused by nerve damage, not stroke

A fainting episode causing traumatic nerve damage affecting his right hand could be why Leonardo da Vinci’s painting skills were hampered in his late career. While the impairment affected his ability to hold palettes and brushes to paint with his right hand, he was able to continue teaching and drawing with his left hand. According…

New artificial synapse is fast, efficient and durable

A battery-like device could act as an artificial synapse within computing systems intended to imitate the brain’s efficiency and ability to learn. Press Release Distribution Service

The Moneyist: I’m 65, my mortgage is paid off and I have $370,000 in savings, so why I am still worried about money?

‘Most people would laugh to be in my position, I know, but I constantly worry about running out of money.’ Press Release Distribution Service

The Wall Street Journal: Trump administration downplays latest North Korea missile test

The Trump administration played down the threat presented by North Korea’s latest weapons tests and said it was eager for a resumption of talks to end the country’s efforts to acquire nuclear missiles. Press Release Distribution Service

Daily Briefing: The bumpy ride to carbon zero

Daily Briefing: The bumpy ride to carbon zero Daily Briefing: The bumpy ride to carbon zero, Published online: 02 May 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01444-8 Four scenarios for our low-carbon future, the biggest Denisovan fossil yet (and the first that didn’t come from the Denisova Cave) and how gendered language is affecting grant success. Press Release Distribution Service

Saturn’s secrets revealed by deep learning

Saturn’s secrets revealed by deep learning Saturn’s secrets revealed by deep learning, Published online: 02 May 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01386-1 PlanetNet algorithm has helped scientists to understand a storm on the giant planet. Press Release Distribution Service

Fintech sector fears further talent shortages post-Brexit

Some of the best and brightest from London’s booming fintech scene came together to discuss the potential impact of Brexit this week, and access to talent was the most pressing concern. Press Release Distribution Service

Free coworking spaces in the UK: Techworld reviews London’s coworking hotspots

The increasing number of startups setting up shop in London is fuelling demand for workspace, particularly in Tech City. Press Release Distribution Service

Facebook set up a war room to combat misinformation ahead of Europe’s Parliamentary elections

With Europe’s Parliamentary elections approaching later this month, Facebook has set up an operations room to monitor for misinformation, fake accounts, and election interference that violates the site’s rules, reports The New York Times and The Guardian. The effort is designed to prevent the types of wide-scale campaigns that could influence elections. The Times says…