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‘Star Wars’ Darth Vader costume could go for $2 million at auction

A man who made appearances as Darth Vader at film premieres and fan conventions will sell a costume created in 1979 by the “Star Wars” design team at an auction of classic movie memorabilia next month, auction house Bonhams said. Press Release Distribution Service

Critics gush over the spectacle and story of ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Film critics unleashed overwhelmingly positive reviews on Tuesday of “Avengers: Endgame,” the highly anticipated final installment in a decade-long superhero story from Walt Disney Co’s Marvel Studios. Press Release Distribution Service

China urges UK not to discriminate against Huawei in 5G development

China on Sunday warned Britain not to discriminate against companies involved in developing the 5G network and to resist pressure from other countries over whether it should work with Huawei Technologies. Press Release Distribution Service

Huawei hopes for Britain-like solution in New Zealand 5G bid

China’s Huawei Technologies said Britain’s decision to allow the firm a restricted role in building parts of its next-generation telecoms network was the kind of solution it was hoping for in New Zealand, where it has been blocked from 5G plans. Press Release Distribution Service

Maturepreneur Event Focuses on Those Starting a Business in the Next Stage of Life

Life expectancy has skyrocketed. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when mature individuals stay in business longer. Or when they start a new venture later in life. The Maturepreneur Today Virtual Summit aims to provide resources on how to start and run a business in the next stage of life. The event targets an…

10 Adjustments You Can Make to Improve Your Chances of Business Success

SEO and content marketing are always changing. So you need to make constant adjustments in order to be successful long term. In SEO and in other areas of business, some of these small changes can help you make a big impact. Here’s more from members of the online small business community. Bookmark These Free Stock…

Cracking the Code on Instagram Quiz Stickers, How Can They Help Market your Business?

With each new feature, Instagram wants users to increase the level of engagement between them, their friends and brands. Instagram Quiz Stickers have been designed with that purpose in mind. Instagram Quiz Stickers As part of Instagram Stories, Quiz Stickers can be a whimsical way to engage with friends. But brands can also use this…

In This Corner, Weighing 185 Pounds and Armed with a Legal Brief …

Sometimes a cartoon ends up being what we call a two-fer. It functions in more than one subject area (more, if you’re lucky) and is that much more salable. That being said, law and sports don’t often end up being the combination. But the juxtaposition felt really funny to me on this cartoon. Hopefully no…

Trump pressed Japan’s Abe to build more vehicles in the U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump pressed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to have Japanese automakers produce more vehicles in the United States, according to a readout of their recent meeting provided by the U.S. ambassador to Japan on Saturday. Press Release Distribution Service

Trump: Japan will invest $40 billion in U.S. car factories

U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday said at a rally that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told him Japan is investing $40 billion in new car factories in the United States. Press Release Distribution Service