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In Baltimore and Beyond, a Stolen N.S.A. Tool Wreaks Havoc

American cities are being hijacked with an N.S.A. cyberweapon that has already done billions of dollars in damage overseas. The N.S.A. will say nothing. Press Release Distribution Service

Best Memorial Day events in every state and DC

Looking for something to do Memorial Day weekend? 24/7 Tempo lists an event in every state and D.C. that should not be missed!           Press Release Distribution Service

Download these 5 apps before your next trip

There are millions of apps available for your phone, but you can’t take all of them on your next trip. So which travel apps should you pack?           Press Release Distribution Service

Poland has filed a complaint against the European Union’s copyright directive

Poland has officially challenged the European Union’s recently-approved controversial copyright directive, according to Reuters, saying that the legislation would bring unwanted censorship. The country filed its complaint yesterday with the the Court of Justice of the European Union. Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister Konrad Szymanski said that the “system may result in adopting regulations that are…

An astronomer captured SpaceX’s recently-launched StarLink satellites on video

Earlier this week, SpaceX successfully launched its first 60 StarLink satellites into orbit around the Earth. An amateur astronomer in the Netherlands caught sight of them orbiting Earth after deployment, and captured the scene on video. Astronomer Dr. Marco Langbroek noted on his blog that he calculated where the satellites would be orbiting, and waited…

Hackers used a tool developed by the NSA to attack Baltimore’s computer systems

Since May 7th, the Baltimore’s city government has been dealing with a ransomware attack that has shut down everything from its email to the systems that allow residents to pay water bills, purchase homes, and other services. According to a report in The New York Times, the tool that has crippled the city is a…

Trump expected to sign executive order on drug cost disclosure

Fox News medical correspondent Dr. Marc Siegel discusses how the Trump administration is expected to release an executive order that would require the disclosure of prices across the health care industry. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered…

Declassified info shows Iran’s inability to fund terror groups

Fox News’ Rich Edson reports on Iran’s financial situation and says Iranian backed militia groups are “cash strapped.” Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (Ret.) reacts to the report. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York —…

Democrats’ failed policies are hurting California: Jessica Patterson

After a New York Times op-ed called out Democratic-led cities for its ‘unlivable’ conditions, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Patterson reflects on the impact of Democratic policies that ‘hurting’ her state. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered…

Groups sue over Alabama abortion law; judge blocks Mississippi ban

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit on Friday challenging a law enacted by Alabama last week that bans nearly all abortions and makes performing the procedure a felony punishable by up to 99 years in prison. Press Release Distribution Service