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China’s rare earths exports fall in May; shipments usually volatile

Rare earth exports by China, the world’s dominant producer, fell 16% in May from a month earlier amid an increased focus on the raw materials due to the Sino-U.S. trade war, although the drop was in line with usual trading. Press Release Distribution Service

70% Would Quit Your Company for Another with More Career Development Opportunities

The tight labor market is allowing workers to be more selective, especially if they have skill sets with high demand. But even for existing employees, if another company offers more opportunities, they will jump ship. According to a survey from Instructure, this is the case for the majority of the respondents. If a company is…

Apply These 5 Secret Techniques to Improve Instagram Ads for Your Ecommerce Business

Instagram ads, when used correctly, can be the perfect channel to market your ecommerce business. In fact, a Facebook survey found that 54% of people purchased something after seeing it on Instagram. 83% of respondents discover new products or services through the platform. And 80% use the platform to decide whether or not to buy…

43% of Small Business Owners Say Chinese Tariffs Will Increase Their Costs

The longer the US trade war with China continues, the more it will affect small businesses. And according to the latest survey from BizBuySell, it is proving to be true. Almost half or 43% of small business owners said the Chinese tariffs is increasing their costs. Small Business Impact of Chinese Tariffs For 64% of…

Renault, Nissan spar over governance reforms as tie-up strains worsen

Renault has signaled it will block alliance partner Nissan from adopting planned governance reforms unless the French automaker gets more say in the new system, a demand which Nissan said was “most regrettable” and which one source derided as a potential conflict of interest. Press Release Distribution Service

Exclusive: FCA-Renault revival may hinge on Nissan stake cut – sources

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV and Renault SA are looking for ways to resuscitate their collapsed merger plan and secure the approval of the French carmaker’s alliance partner Nissan Motor Co Ltd , according to several sources close to the companies. Press Release Distribution Service

Daily briefing: medRxiv brings preprints to medical science

Nature, Published online: 07 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01820-4 Safeguards will support preprints for clinical research. Plus: our bodies are mosaics riddled with mutations and we remember Alan Turing on the day of his death. Press Release Distribution Service

Nature calling: take our PhD survey

Nature, Published online: 06 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01763-w Biennial survey looks at goals and challenges of today’s junior researchers. Press Release Distribution Service

AI tool helps radiologists detect brain aneurysms

Radiologists improved their diagnoses of brain aneurysms with the help of an artificial intelligence algorithm developed by medical experts and computer scientists. Press Release Distribution Service

Tissue engineering: The big picture on growing small intestines

Scientists describe how stem cell therapies could help babies with severe intestinal issues. Press Release Distribution Service