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This “invisible” MacBook stand is only $20 today

If you spend the majority of your day working on a laptop, you need a stand to give you an optimal working stance. However, laptop stands can be quite cumbersome, and some are even bigger than most laptops! If you’re looking for a sleek, non-intrusive laptop stand, then the MOFT Invisible Laptop Stand is the…

Still have 'Jeopardy!' fever? Watch these 10 game shows this summer

From “Press Your Luck” and the new “Spin the Wheel” to good old “Wheel of Fortune,” these are the best game shows to play along with this summer.        Press Release Distribution Service

Italian director Franco Zeffirelli, known for 'Romeo and Juliet', dies at 96

Italian film director Franzo Zeffirelli has died in Rome at the age of 96.        Press Release Distribution Service

'We're off and running': A look at Donald Trump's un-Trumpian campaign for reelection in 2020

Years after operating a shoestring campaign staffed with political unknowns, Donald Trump’s reelection effort is highly organized and raising money.        Press Release Distribution Service

Michael Thorbjornsen made the cut at the U.S. Open. He's just 17

Michael Thorbjornsen, U.S. Junior champ, is playing the US Open this weekend, only the second 17-year-old to make Open cut in last decade.        Press Release Distribution Service

'Who is the a–hole': The congressman who missed his anniversary to keep lawmakers voting until 4 a.m.

Rep. Chip Roy kept the House voting until 4 a.m. on Thursday as a form of protest — even though he missed his 15-year wedding anniversary.        Press Release Distribution Service

Mattel's iconic Hot Wheels has gone digital

Mattel’s Hot Wheels, the No. 1 selling toy, is sporting a new look: digital.        Press Release Distribution Service

Taxpayers covered legal bills for anti-ICE judge: Report

Fox News contributor Deroy Murdock and Congress of Racial Equality leader Niger Innis on a report that taxpayers paid the legal fees for a Massachusetts judge that was accused of helping an illegal immigrant evade ICE. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main…

Oil tanker crew detained by Iranians after Front Altair attack

FOX News’ Jennifer Griffin reports on the two oil tankers that were attacked by Iran in the Gulf of Oman. The US has since reported that the first crew from the oil tanker attack has been held by Iranians for nearly two days. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information…

Amazon fires back at Biden over tax strategies that Obama supported

FOX Business’ Jackie DeAngelis, The Brewer Group CEO Jack Brewer, Fortune executive editor Adam Lashinsky and Kadina Group President Gary B. Smith discuss how former Vice President Joe Biden and other 2020 presidential candidates are attacking Amazon. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both…