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Why Apple should follow Google’s lead and ‘leak’ the iPhone 11 design early

It’s only June but already the fall smartphone wars are heating up. Apple last week unveiled iOS 13 and with it many of the new features that will grace the next iPhone, and now Google has one-upped the hype machine with an unprecedented reveal of the Pixel 4 months ahead of its presumed launch. And…

Julia Roberts reveals the original 'dark' ending to 'Pretty Woman'

Julia Roberts has just revealed the iconic ending to “Pretty Woman” was originally a lot darker. Nathan Rousseau Smith has the story.        Press Release Distribution Service

How zombie comedy 'The Dead Don't Die' pulled off THAT gruesome scene with Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez makes a memorably gory appearance in the zombie comedy “The Dead Don’t Die,” her first live-action role since 2016.        Press Release Distribution Service

This home theater has a secret feature that hides something god-awful – CNET

Show Us Yours: Joe and his wife wanted to replace their unattractive entertainment system with something better. See how they said goodbye to ugly by hiding their wires. Press Release Distribution Service

Election hacking has never been cheaper, easier or more profitable – CNET

Cybercrime could be a $6 trillion business by 2022. Emerging tech like AI might be the only way to one step ahead. Press Release Distribution Service

Seven Father's Day gift ideas under $50

Shopping for the fathers and father figures in our lives seems to get more challenging. But you don’t have to spend a fortune to show dad you care.        Press Release Distribution Service

He Held Her Down, Choked Her, And Masturbated Onto Her. The Law Said It Wasn’t Sexual Assault.

A shocking case in Alaska has highlighted a loophole in sexual assault statutes nationwide. Now the survivor of the attack is sharing her story for the very first time. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

That Kid From “Stranger Things” Has A New Prank Show That Tricks People Trying To Find Work

After Matarazzo shared the news on Twitter on Friday, many users hit back against the idea of playing pranks on vulnerable people looking for work. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Passengers subdue chaotic man on Turkish Airlines flight who was screaming, smashing things

Passengers on a Turkish Airlines jetliner flying to Sudan had to subdue a man who started screaming a few minutes after takeoff.        Press Release Distribution Service

Southwest passenger 'bombarded by inappropriate photos' from stranger on her flight

Here’s a good reason for iPhone users to disable AirDrop while on planes: A Texas woman forgot and another passenger sent her unsolicited nude photos.        Press Release Distribution Service