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On Cannes red carpet, ‘go big’ is this year’s fashion buzzword

Enormous bouffant dresses decked out in lace or feathers ruled the red carpet at this year’s Cannes film festival, one of the of the world’s most glamorous stages for actors as well as fashion designers. Press Release Distribution Service

Rocky star Stallone says he never expected to make it in movies

Action movie superstar Sylvester Stallone told cinemagoers in Cannes on Friday that he never expected to make it in the film industry due to an accident at birth that caused him to slur his words – now one of his more celebrated trademarks. Press Release Distribution Service

Exclusive: Huawei reviewing FedEx relationship, says packages ‘diverted’

Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei is reviewing its relationship with FedEx Corp after it claimed the U.S. package delivery company, without detailed explanation, diverted two parcels destined for Huawei addresses in Asia to the United States and attempted to reroute two others. Press Release Distribution Service

Alibaba plans bumper $20 billion HK listing to boost investment war chest: sources

Alibaba is considering raising as much as $20 billion through a listing in Hong Kong, people familiar with the matter told Reuters, lining up a second blockbuster deal following its 2014 record $25 billion float in New York. Press Release Distribution Service

Do You Need a Home Office or Separate Office for your Small Business?

Your office environment can make a big impact on the success of your business. Conventional wisdom says that you need to rent a traditional office space when starting out. But recently, starting a business from home has become more of a possibility. How to Set Up an Office: Home or Away? For solopreneurs or those…

Still Living Paycheck to Paycheck Despite Having a Successful Business? Here’s How to Stop

Many small business owners show skill earning money. But still fall short when it comes to managing it. Sure, they may have built a successful company. But too many still live paycheck to paycheck. On this week’s Small Business Radio Show, I talked with Avery Breyer. Breyer has written multiple best-selling books in the Smart…

Apply these 9 Secret Techniques to Improve B2C Marketing with LinkedIn

Are you investing time into your brand’s LinkedIn page? It’s easy for companies — especially B2C’s — to neglect LinkedIn in favor of channels like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. But the truth is LinkedIn is a unicorn social channel where B2C companies can thrive. There are more than 260 million active users on LinkedIn. More than 40 million users…

France insists any Renault/Fiat deal must protect French jobs: Le Maire

France must protect its own interests and jobs in any merger between Renault and Fiat, even though France’s stake in Renault would automatically be diluted, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told RTL radio on Tuesday. Press Release Distribution Service

China gains, auto sector lift Asian shares, but sentiment fragile

Asian shares rose on Tuesday, lifted by gains in China and as auto firms climbed on merger news, but broad uncertainties over trade and economic growth kept investor enthusiasm in check. Press Release Distribution Service

26 Shocking “Old Hollywood” Facts That’ll Change How You See Your Favorite Actors And Movies

“Marlon Brando slayed me good. He was one of the most sexual men on earth.” –Rita Moreno View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service