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Factbox: Global tech companies shun Huawei after U.S. ban

Global technology companies are cutting ties with China’s Huawei Technologies Co Ltd after the U.S. government put the world’s largest telecom equipment maker on a trade blacklist, citing national security concerns. Press Release Distribution Service

PSA to assemble batteries for hybrid, electric cars in Slovakia

French carmaker PSA, owner of the Peugeot, Citroen and DS brands, will start assembling batteries for its hybrid and electric cars at its plant in Trnava, Slovakia, and later at its plant in Vigo, Spain. Press Release Distribution Service

Learn How to Use Research Data to Gauge Customer Needs at this Event

As a business, you create products and services for your customers. So you must listen to what they say. This is of paramount importance. The Voice of the Customer (VOC), whether it is for B2B or B2C companies, has to be heeded. The Applied Marketing Science (AMS) “Listening to the Voice of the Customer” workshop…

India to impose retaliatory tariffs on 28 U.S. goods from Sunday

India will impose higher retaliatory tariffs on 28 U.S. products including almonds, apples and walnuts from Sunday, following Washington’s withdrawal of key trade privileges for New Delhi. Press Release Distribution Service

Target says registers back online, blames outage on technology issue

Target Corp on Saturday said its payment registers were back online after a systems outage stopped customers in the United States from paying for in-store purchases. Press Release Distribution Service

19 Problems Millennials Had That Gen-Zers Will Need To Google

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Don’t Freak Out When We Guess Your Age And Sign Based On Your Netflix Choices

I can probably guess your moon and rising based on your choices too. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

World Health Organization resists declaring Ebola emergency — for third time

Nature, Published online: 13 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01893-1 Outbreak worsens in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as virus spreads into Uganda. Press Release Distribution Service

Ozone mystery laid to rest

Nature, Published online: 12 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01752-z Measurements of atmospheric ozone levels taken during the nineteenth century cast doubt on the computational models used today to simulate the atmosphere. An independent proxy of past ozone levels offers reassurance. Press Release Distribution Service

What drives Yellowstone’s massive elk migrations?

Yellowstone’s migratory elk rely primarily on environmental cues, including a retreating snowline and the greening grasses of spring, to decide when to make the treks between their winter ranges and summer ranges, researchers show. Their study combined GPS tracking data from more than 400 animals in nine major Yellowstone elk populations with satellite imagery to…