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Memory editing from science fiction to clinical practice

Nature, Published online: 31 July 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1433-7 A Review of advances in memory-editing techniques in humans suggests that these techniques are advancing beyond science fiction and could hold promise for translation into clinical practice. Press Release Distribution Service

Taking the kids to Galaxy’s Edge? Here’s what you need to bring.        Press Release Distribution Service

US cities with the cleanest hotel rooms

These 10 U.S. cities boast the highest number of hotels that meet AAA’s highest housekeeping standards.        Press Release Distribution Service

Giant nonreciprocal second-harmonic generation from antiferromagnetic bilayer CrI3

Nature, Published online: 31 July 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1445-3 Large second-harmonic generation is observed in antiferromagnetic bilayers of CrI3, providing information about the microscopic origin of layered antiferromagnetism and motivating the use of two-dimensional magnets in nonlinear optical devices. Press Release Distribution Service

Podcast: The placental microbiome, and advances in artificial intelligence

Nature, Published online: 31 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02347-4 Tune into the latest from the world of science, with Nick Howe and Noah Baker. Press Release Distribution Service

The newest carry-on bags do more with less room: How to get all your gear in a smaller bag

You’d be surprised by how much you can fit under a seat, especially if you choose the right bag.        Press Release Distribution Service

Is going to Disneyland or Disney World more fun without kids? Definitely. Here's why.

A mom went off on millennials who were “ruining” Disney World with their child-free ways. Here’s why visiting Disney parks without kids is better.        Press Release Distribution Service

Daily briefing: Out of date before it’s published

Nature, Published online: 31 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02351-8 How “living systematic reviews” can get on top of fast-moving fields, a plan to test a geoengineering project gains momentum and a revolutionary technique getting people with spinal-cord injuries back on their feet. Press Release Distribution Service

Yeast cells handle stress by reprogramming their metabolism

Nature, Published online: 31 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02288-y Stressed yeast cells take up the amino acid lysine and reprogram their metabolism to free up supplies of a stress-relieving molecule. Lysine uptake therefore increases the tolerance of yeast cells to stress. Press Release Distribution Service

Almost 30 people jump off boat into shark-filled waters after fire: 'All hell broke loose'

About 30 passengers and crew members on a small boat in the Galapagos had to jump into shark-filled waters last month after a fire broke out on board.        Press Release Distribution Service