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Lonely Planet picks the world's most amazing train rides

These trains take passengers past mountain peaks, scenic countryside and dramatic coastlines.        Press Release Distribution Service

Limo Services

Maternity Stores

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Scientists find thirdhand smoke affects cells in humans

Thirdhand smoke can damage epithelial cells in the respiratory system by stressing cells and causing them to fight for survival, a research team has found. The finding could assist physicians treating patients exposed to thirdhand smoke. Press Release Distribution Service

Pig-Pen effect: Mixing skin oil and ozone can produce a personal pollution cloud

When ozone and skin oils meet, the resulting reaction may help remove ozone from an indoor environment, but it can also produce a personal cloud of pollutants that affects indoor air quality, according to a team of researchers. Press Release Distribution Service


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Hidden brain activity revealed in people with coma

Nature, Published online: 26 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01995-w Hospital patients who appear unresponsive after commands show evidence of brain activity. Press Release Distribution Service

Reply to: Can lasers really refrigerate CdS nanobelts?

Nature, Published online: 26 June 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1270-8 Reply to: Can lasers really refrigerate CdS nanobelts? Press Release Distribution Service

Health Insurance

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Iran seized nearly a thousand computers used to illegally mine Bitcoin

After detecting an unusual spike in energy consumption, Iranian authorities seized nearly a thousand computers being used to mine cryptocurrency, according to the country’s state media. Authorities discovered two bitcoin farms operating in abandoned factories in Yazd province, which caused a seven percent spike in the country’s power consumption this month. Iran’s central bank banned…