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Huawei CEO expects sales to drop to $100 billion in 2019, 2020

China’s Huawei Technologies Co Ltd expects sales to drop to around $100 billion this year and the next, CEO Ren Zhengfei said on Monday, as its business comes under pressure due to U.S. sanctions. Press Release Distribution Service

12 Questions to Test Your Employees’ Knowledge Like the Pros

As a business owner, it’s important that your employees have a strong baseline knowledge of their areas of expertise. But do you know ways to test employee knowledge? If you want to discover how well a worker actually understands a subject, you need to know the right kinds of questions to ask, and what can be…

What is a Micro Influencer and How Can They Benefit Your Small Business?

Micro influencers are social media personalities with anywhere from 2,000-50,000 followers. The numbers vary depending on the source, but their importance is universal. They are a great cost efficient way to provide targeted advertising for small businesses with limited budgets Here’s what you need to know about how these people can benefit your small business.…

Huawei CEO expects sales at $100 billion in 2019, 2020

China’s Huawei Technologies Co Ltd expects sales this year and next year at around $100 billion, its chief executive Ren Zhengfei said on Monday. Press Release Distribution Service

Airbus to launch A321XLR with nearly 200 orders at Paris Airshow: sources

Airbus will launch a long-range version of its A321neo passenger jet at Paris Airshow and will announce close to 200 orders over the week, sources familiar with the matter said. Press Release Distribution Service

Here Are 25 TV Couple Moments That Made Us Believe In Love Again

View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

I Bet You Can’t Make It Past Level 30 On This Never Ending Disney Quiz

Warning: This quiz never ends. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Atypical behaviour and connectivity in SHANK3-mutant macaques

Nature, Published online: 12 June 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1278-0 The CRISPR–Cas9-mediated generation of germline-transmissible mutations of SHANK3 in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) forms the basis of a non-human-primate model of autism spectrum disorder and Phelan–McDermid syndrome. Press Release Distribution Service

Daily briefing: An X-ray map of the Universe

Nature, Published online: 12 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01875-3 Space telescope marks a “return to world-class science” for Russia, mouse lemurs might be the next big thing in genetics and an open-access publishing model in which journals compete for funding. Press Release Distribution Service

Electron (or ‘hole’) pairs may survive effort to kill superconductivity

The emergence of unusual metallic state supports the role of ‘charge stripes’ in the formation of charge-carrier pairs essential to resistance-free flow of electrical current. Press Release Distribution Service