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Asia stocks edge up cautiously as Fed jitters build, Europe seen lower

Most Asian stock markets rose on Tuesday but gains were capped by investor caution ahead of a U.S. Federal Reserve policy decision, while crude oil prices dipped as global growth worries overshadowed supply concerns. Press Release Distribution Service

Renault-Nissan alliance remains priority for French finance minister

Renault’s alliance with Japanese partner Nissan remains French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire’s priority ahead of any further consolidation with the likes of Fiat-Chrysler, he said on Tuesday. Press Release Distribution Service

The First Episode Of HBO’s “Euphoria” Is Leaving Viewers Shocked, So I Watched And Here’s How It Is

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Most People Can’t Identify 12 Of These Logos — Can You?

From Apple to Adidas, let’s see how you do! View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Building A Component Library Using Figma

Building A Component Library Using Figma Building A Component Library Using Figma Emiliano Cicero 2019-06-17T14:00:16+02:002019-06-18T05:34:51+00:00 I’ve been working on the creation and maintenance of the main library of our design system, Lexicon. We used the Sketch app for the first year and then we moved to Figma where the library management was different in certain…

Microbes make metabolic mischief by targeting drugs

Nature, Published online: 17 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01851-x Tests of whether a range of gut bacteria can metabolize a diverse group of drugs has revealed that all the microbes metabolized some drugs and that more than half of the drugs were metabolized. Press Release Distribution Service

Six tips for adapting to a new language and culture

Nature, Published online: 17 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01915-y Moving abroad for a career opportunity can be stressful and difficult. But there are ways to navigate the minefields. Press Release Distribution Service

Shedding light on ‘black box’ of inpatient opioid use

People who receive opioids for the first time while hospitalized have double the risk of continuing to receive opioids for months after discharge compared with their hospitalized peers who are not given opioids. The finding sare among the first to shed light on the little-studied causes and consequences of inpatient opioid prescribing. Press Release Distribution…

The evolution of puppy dog eyes

Dogs have evolved new muscles around the eyes to better communicate with humans. New research comparing the anatomy and behavior of dogs and wolves suggests dogs’ facial anatomy has changed over thousands of years specifically to allow them to better communicate with humans. Press Release Distribution Service

No One Is Reading Your Blog

Traffic is down all over. It’s not just you. No one is reading your blog, and no one is reading anyone’s blog. The reason is that so many people wasted readers’ time. Too much junk. Too many marketers trying to capture everyone’s attention and failing. And far too many vague stories without real value. No…