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What I learned at the Boston Pride March 2019

The other day, I went with my Jacqueline and her mother to the 2019 Boston Pride Parade. We marched on behalf of the Upham’s Corner Health Center, who delivers community health care services in Boston. I marched because my son, Vince, is trans and gay(the parade marked his 17th birthday), and because I feel that…

Ally or Adversary? How Our Marketing Fears Can Be Wielded for Good

B2B marketers are a special breed: We’re relentlessly self-improving. We look to our industry peers and thought leaders for wisdom. We scour data for opportunities and insight. We keep tabs on rising trends and emerging tools. We tirelessly strive to adapt our strategies to the evolving needs of our customers and prospects. Without a doubt,…

23 Pictures That Pretty Much Perfectly Sum Up Adult Culture

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29 Products That’ll Honestly Just Make Your Life Easier

Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Emails and Text Messages: How Many Is Too Many for Marketers to Send?

The marketing industry is full of tough questions, but few invite controversy quite like the question of how many emails and texts marketers should be sending to their customers. Some entrepreneurs swear that emailing customers every day is the key to building a six-figure business. On the other end of the spectrum, a quarter of…

How to Zap Your Reaction to Criticism and Grow from ‘Good Enough’

Content creators are easy targets for criticism. Some might even say they “ask for it” by publicly displaying their thoughts,… Continue Reading The post How to Zap Your Reaction to Criticism and Grow from ‘Good Enough’ appeared first on Copyblogger. Press Release Distribution Service

A look under the hood of profitable e-commerce websites

Tools are only effective if they are simple and straightforward because today’s customers expect a website with self-service tools to answer questions quickly. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

5 factors of direct-to-consumer brand success

Legacy brands can learn from the direct-to-consumer model with a value shift to serve customers and their needs that will ensure long-term success. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Salesforce to acquire data analytics platform Tableau

The transaction will bring data visualization into the fold and could help marketers extract more value from their data Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Anger at Big Tech Unites Noodle Pullers and Code Writers. Washington Is All Ears.

A wide range of companies are lining up to complain about Silicon Valley’s power as lawmakers and regulators step up their scrutiny of Big Tech. Press Release Distribution Service