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The Secret Behind Using Sustainability in Your Marketing

Once, companies and brands touting their ethically-sourced ingredients and environmental values found themselves in the minority. This “feel-good” messaging remained the primary language of homespun business owners. And they sold rustic wares at farmers’ markets. But today it pays to be “green” in a very big way. And the size and scope of your business…

What is Five Nines and Why Do You Need to Consider it When Seeking a Phone Service Provider?

The term Five Nines is jargon cloud service providers use to label service uptime. The phrase refers to 99.999% availability. That translates into 26.3 seconds per month of downtime or 5.26 minutes a year. Small Business Trends contacted Mark Sher, Vice President of UC Product and Marketing at Intermedia. He explained why this matters to…

These Negotiation Mistakes will Set Your Business Back – Unless You Learn to Avoid Them

One of the many things you must get good at to be successful as an entrepreneur is negotiation. Small business owners face some unique challenges because of the early stage of their company’s development. This week, on the Small Business Radio Show, Samuel Dinnar discusses why the startup environment is different and how this impacts…

Want to Make Your Facebook Messenger Ad Campaign More Successful? Try These 5 Tips

You know about Facebook Messenger ads. You’ve heard me sing the praises of Facebook Messenger ads. You’re intrigued by the unicorn status of Facebook Messenger ads. You’ve probably heard of their outstanding performance. Maybe you’ve even run some Facebook click-to-Messenger ads. Okay, that’s all great. But how do you get the best results from Facebook Messenger ads?…

Britain’s Saga links up with Goldman to tap over-50s savings

Saga, the British tourism and insurance firm for the over-50s, said on Tuesday it ways teaming up with Goldman Sachs on savings products, as part of a drive to revive its bottom line after a profit warning in April. Press Release Distribution Service

Foxconn announces leadership overhaul as chairman seeks Taiwan presidency

Apple supplier Foxconn on Tuesday announced a plan to overhaul its leadership structure in a move to allow more senior executives involved in the running of its daily operations. Press Release Distribution Service

Marriage Counselors Are Sharing The Most Common Mistakes Couples Make

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Mad Mex Have Just Launched A Pineapple Burrito And It’s Sure To Get You Fired Up

You’ve heard of pineapple on pizza, now get ready for pineapple on burritos. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Styling In Modern Web Apps

Styling In Modern Web Apps Styling In Modern Web Apps Ajay NS 2019-06-10T14:00:59+02:002019-06-11T05:35:56+00:00 If you search for how to style apps for the web, you’ll come across many different approaches and libraries, some even changing day by day. Block Element Modifier (BEM); preprocessors such as Less and SCSS; CSS-in-JS libraries, including JSS and styled-components; and,…

Why Podcasts? Why Now? How to Leverage the Power of Podcasts for Your Brand

Nearly 30% of Americans, that’s some 70 million people, regularly listen to at least one podcast. For any business, that’s a huge opportunity to tap into a market hungry for content, especially in niche areas of interest. Your podcast audience is waiting for you… Read the full article at MarketingProfs Press Release Distribution Service