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In the Spotlight: Best in Class Proves Educational for Students Seeking to Make the Grade

Starting a business presents a ton of challenges. But for the CEO of Best in Class Education Center, those business challenges pale in comparison to the risks he took personally as a refugee from Vietnam. Now, his business is thriving thanks to a few key growth strategies, including a franchise system. Read about his journey…

Toyota to set up Myanmar plant to assemble Hilux trucks

Toyota Motor Corp said on Thursday it would launch a plant in Myanmar to manufacture Hilux pick-up trucks from 2021 as the Japanese automaker plans to locally assemble vehicles for the emerging nation where demand for cars has been soaring. Press Release Distribution Service

Greyhound for sale, owner First Group says

Train and bus operator FirstGroup said on Thursday it would sell U.S. coach service Greyhound and look to separate off its UK First Bus operations as it seeks to head off pressure from major investors for returns. Press Release Distribution Service

19 Gardening Hacks That’ll Make You Say “I Wish I’d Known About These Sooner!”

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Not To Alarm You, But You Probably Have A Freckle In The Middle Of Your Wrist

*checks wrist* *sees freckle* *screams* View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Should Chatbots Replace Forms On Mobile?

Should Chatbots Replace Forms On Mobile? Should Chatbots Replace Forms On Mobile? Suzanne Scacca 2019-05-29T13:00:59+02:002019-05-30T05:34:23+00:00 I recently was on Jeff Bullas’ website when I encountered a pop-up promoting an ebook. Nothing about that seemed too out of the ordinary. However, what struck me as odd was that the CTA wasn’t an Email field and “Submit”…

Author Correction: Design of amidobenzimidazole STING receptor agonists with systemic activity

Nature, Published online: 30 May 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1265-5 Author Correction: Design of amidobenzimidazole STING receptor agonists with systemic activity Press Release Distribution Service

Mysterious Martian formation traced to volcanic explosion

Nature, Published online: 29 May 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01660-2 A massive eruption early in Mars’s history created a rocky outcrop that will greet NASA lander in 2021. Press Release Distribution Service

Study could lead to ‘cognitive therapy in your pocket’

People living with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions may soon be able to use a smartphone app to deliver on-demand cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I), a way to change mental habits without visiting a therapist. Press Release Distribution Service

Among older women, 10,000 steps per day not needed for lower mortality

A new study found that older women, taking as few as 4,400 steps per day was significantly associated with lower risk of death compared to taking 2,700 steps per day. Risk of death continued to decrease with more steps taken but leveled off at around 7,500 steps per day — less than the 10,000 steps…