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Britain’s Saga links up with Goldman to tap over-50s savings

Saga, the British tourism and insurance firm for the over-50s, said on Tuesday it ways teaming up with Goldman Sachs on savings products, as part of a drive to revive its bottom line after a profit warning in April. Press Release Distribution Service

Foxconn announces leadership overhaul as chairman seeks Taiwan presidency

Apple supplier Foxconn on Tuesday announced a plan to overhaul its leadership structure in a move to allow more senior executives involved in the running of its daily operations. Press Release Distribution Service

Marriage Counselors Are Sharing The Most Common Mistakes Couples Make

View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Mad Mex Have Just Launched A Pineapple Burrito And It’s Sure To Get You Fired Up

You’ve heard of pineapple on pizza, now get ready for pineapple on burritos. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Styling In Modern Web Apps

Styling In Modern Web Apps Styling In Modern Web Apps Ajay NS 2019-06-10T14:00:59+02:002019-06-11T05:35:56+00:00 If you search for how to style apps for the web, you’ll come across many different approaches and libraries, some even changing day by day. Block Element Modifier (BEM); preprocessors such as Less and SCSS; CSS-in-JS libraries, including JSS and styled-components; and,…

Why Podcasts? Why Now? How to Leverage the Power of Podcasts for Your Brand

Nearly 30% of Americans, that’s some 70 million people, regularly listen to at least one podcast. For any business, that’s a huge opportunity to tap into a market hungry for content, especially in niche areas of interest. Your podcast audience is waiting for you… Read the full article at MarketingProfs Press Release Distribution Service

How Much Does a Video Cost to Produce? [Infographic]

You produce marketing content, and you’re considering video because it engages audiences as no other content can. But how much does a video cost to make? It’s tough to find an accurate and one-size-fits-all answer–because there are numerous considerations. This infographic breaks those down for you. Read the full article at MarketingProfs Press Release Distribution…

Antarctic offshore polynyas linked to Southern Hemisphere climate anomalies

Nature, Published online: 10 June 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1294-0 Measurements collected during recent polynya events in the Southern Ocean reveal that these sea ice openings formed as a result of weakened stratification and severe storms and were sustained by deep overturning. Press Release Distribution Service

Off-target RNA mutation induced by DNA base editing and its elimination by mutagenesis

Nature, Published online: 10 June 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1314-0 Off-target RNA mutation induced by DNA base editing and its elimination by mutagenesis Press Release Distribution Service

In romantic relationships, people do indeed have a ‘type’

Researchers show that people do indeed have a ‘type’ when it comes to dating, and that despite best intentions to date outside that type — for example, after a bad relationship — some will gravitate to similar partners. Press Release Distribution Service