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Democratic Candidates Woo Silicon Valley for Donations, Then Bash It

Until recently big tech companies were seen as one of the few relatively untainted sources of big-money donations for Democrats. Now, that’s changing. Press Release Distribution Service

Sydney unveils permanent rainbow crosswalk as symbol of LGBTQ Pride

A colorful symbol of pride has found a new, permanent home in Australia.        Press Release Distribution Service

Grandmother sues TSA claiming she was subjected to 'strip search' on Mother's Day

The TSA is being sued by a grandmother who said she was traveling in Tulsa on Mother’s Day and subjected to a strip search.        Press Release Distribution Service

George R.R. Martin is working on a game with FromSoftware

Two of the biggest names in fantasy are collaborating across mediums. According to a new leak just ahead of an official E3 reveal, Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin is working with Dark Souls studio FromSoftware on a new game called Elden Ring. At this point we don’t know anything else about the game…

YouTube’s new policies are catching educators, journalists, and activists in the crossfire

YouTube’s new policies designed to more aggressively tackle supremacist content have also led to some creators claiming their videos have been improperly removed or hidden in the process. They argue that YouTube is not distinguishing between actual hate content and videos that document hate groups for educational or journalistic purposes. YouTube announced on Wednesday that…

The growing chaos at YouTube

There was so much news this week that we had to add another Vergecast episode to cover it all. Besides Apple’s WWDC, the most important story in The Verge’s coverage has been the various crises YouTube is facing over its moderation policies — problems with hate speech and harassment, pedophiles on the platform, and white…

Team USA favored to win Women’s FIFA World Cup, sparks equal pay conversation

DLE Agency founder Doug Eldridge on the Women’s World Cup in France and the U.S. Women’s National Team’s gender discrimination lawsuit. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York — the business capital of the world…

Job report fuels hope of interest-rate cut

Center for Freedom and Prosperity’s Dan Mitchell and Fairfax Global Markets CEO Paul Dietrich on Federal Reserve policy and concerns over the potential impact of tariffs on the U.S. economy. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in…

Mexico offers to deploy 6,000 troops to Guatemala border: report

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost on the surge in illegal immigrants trying to cross the southern border into the U.S. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York — the business capital of the world…

Vitamin D fails to prevent type 2 diabetes in large study

(Reuters Health) – If you’re talking vitamin D and expecting it to lower your risk of getting type 2 diabetes when you get older, it’s time to lower your expectations. Press Release Distribution Service