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Hollywood and hyper-surveillance: the incredible story of Gorgon Stare

Nature, Published online: 11 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01792-5 Sharon Weinberger commends a book on how a film inspired the United States to develop technology to capture everyone’s every move. Press Release Distribution Service

How can governments fight antimicrobial resistance with policy?

Governments have a wide variety of policy options at their disposal to respond to the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, but many of these approaches have not been rigorously evaluated, according to a new study. Press Release Distribution Service

Engineers design nanostructured diamond metalens for compact quantum technologies

By finding a certain kind of defect inside a block of diamond and fashioning a pattern of nanoscale pillars on the surface above it, engineering researchers can now control the shape of individual photons emitted by the defect. Because those photons carry information about the spin state of an electron, such a system could be…

When & Why Net-New Content Creation Makes Sense—And When It Doesn’t

1996: The year content was named “king” in a burgeoning digital world. 2001: The year “content marketing” was officially coined and the modern content revolution began. 130 trillion and counting: The number of webpages currently indexed by Google. One zillion infinities: The number of pieces of content you stand to create during your B2B content…

17 Actors Who Deserved Oscars For Specific Roles, But Weren’t Even Nominated

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28 Practical Products Disguised As Fun Impulse Buys

Fun and functional! View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Is Podcasting Still the New Blogging?

Odds are pretty good that you’ve listened to a podcast or two this week. They’re even better that you’ve listened… Continue Reading The post Is Podcasting Still the New Blogging? appeared first on Copyblogger. Press Release Distribution Service

Facebook launches new market research app after pulling similar app in January

The company said its new “Study from Facebook” app will collect data to help it build better products. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

3 metrics small businesses should track to measure SEO success

Small businesses need time and context to evaluate traffic retention, quality backlinks and conversion rates. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Dark Web Drug Sellers Dodge Police Crackdowns

The notorious Silk Road site was shut down in 2013. Others have followed. But the online trafficking of illegal narcotics hasn’t abated. Press Release Distribution Service