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47 Really Awesome Things I Straight Up Dare You Not To Buy

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Accountability: Ensuring Positive Business Outcomes

In the era of Modern Marketing, most marketers are equipped with the technology needed to act on customer insights and deliver tailored, multi-touch experiences. Unfortunately, most marketing teams are not prepared to realize the full value of their technology ecosystem and struggle to innovate their marketing programs. As Customer Success Manager (CSM), my clients often…

Bored with Your Blog? These 10 Tips Will Make You Fall in Love Again

Content marketing is a long game. In one way, that’s excellent — because all of your lazy or undisciplined competitors… Continue Reading The post Bored with Your Blog? These 10 Tips Will Make You Fall in Love Again appeared first on Copyblogger. Press Release Distribution Service

New study from Pega shows consumers don’t trust artificial intelligence

The recently published report points to the lack of empathy exhibited by AI as driving force behind mistrust. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Antitrust mania sweeps Washington as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple all face probes

A perfect storm of public discontent, politics and economics has produced a wave of pending investigations. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

IAB releases Augmented Reality for Marketing playbook

The newly published resource provides a framework for brands, agencies considering AR. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

10 steps to ABM success (hint: it’s not complicated)

Get started with ABM in phases: launch a pilot then optimize your target account list before pushing your entire marketing team on the ABM machine. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

How Updates in iOS 13 and Android Q Will Change Your Smartphone

New versions of the Apple and Google operating systems are packed with hundreds of new features. Here are the few you should know about. Press Release Distribution Service

Outside the U.S., It’s All About WhatsApp

Adam Satariano, who covers technology in Europe, became a frequent user when he moved to London. Press Release Distribution Service

So you got a lightsaber at Disney's Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Can you take it on a plane?

You spent $200 to build yourself a lightsaber at Disneyland’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. Here’s what airlines have to say about flying with it.           Press Release Distribution Service