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Only 28% of Entrepreneurs Were Encouraged to Start Businesses When Young

Starting your own business is far from easy and when you add raising a family to the equation, it quickly gets more complicated. So, it’s no surprise a new study from 99designs reports only 28% of entrepreneurs were encouraged to start a businesses while in school. But most entrepreneurs wouldn’t trade juggling both aspects of…

80% of Americans Experience Tech Frustration Daily, Are Your Customers Among Them?

Digital technology has transformed the way people communicate, socialize, work, shop, play, travel and more. And this has increased their reliance on the technology, which makes it that much more frustrating when something goes wrong. Technology Frustration According to a study by Asurion, 80% of Americans experience some type of tech frustration every day. The…

Malaysia Airlines says deliveries of 737 MAX jets could be delayed

Malaysia Airlines is looking at its order for 25 Boeing Co 737 MAX jets “very carefully” in light of the global grounding and plans for the first delivery in July 2020 could be delayed, the carrier’s chief executive said on Monday. Press Release Distribution Service

Stocks, commodities slide as Trump’s trade threats fan recession worries

U.S. stock futures and commodity prices slipped while bonds rallied on Monday on worries an intensifying Sino-U.S. trade tussle and Washington’s new tariff threats against Mexico could tip the global economy into a recession. Press Release Distribution Service

These 15 Extraordinary Photographs Are The Perfect Way To Remember History

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Reply To These Texts And We’ll Reveal Your Two Opposing Personality Traits

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Deep learning monitors human activity based on sound alone

Nature, Published online: 31 May 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01704-7 Reflected sound waves can distinguish a sitting person from a walking person. Press Release Distribution Service

Rebroadcast: Nature PastCast, May 1985

Nature, Published online: 31 May 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01582-z We delve into the archives to tell the stories behind some of Nature’s biggest papers. Press Release Distribution Service

Prescription drug costs steadily soar, yet price transparency is lacking

After reviewing tens of millions of insurance claims for the country’s 49 most popular brand-name prescription drugs, a team found that net prices rose by a median of 76 percent from January 2012 through December 2017 — with most products going up once or twice per year. Press Release Distribution Service

Physicists create stable, strongly magnetized plasma jet in laboratory

A team of scientists has for the first time created a particular form of coherent and magnetized plasma jet that could deepen the understanding of the workings of much larger jets that stream from newborn stars and possibly black holes. Press Release Distribution Service