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Where female athletes are more popular than male ones

And still get paid less Press Release Distribution Service

Elizabeth Warren, saviour of capitalism

The senator from Massachusetts’s strong primary campaign suggests that ideas still matter Press Release Distribution Service

Patrick Shanahan stands aside from the DoD

This is not the usual Trump administration scandal Press Release Distribution Service

Andrew Yang, prophet of doom

Pessimism delights primary voters Press Release Distribution Service

Harvey Weinstein’s trials

The case that started #MeToo demonstrates the difficulty of making sexual-assault accusations stick Press Release Distribution Service

More liberal, functional Illinois

A chronically dysfunctional political system springs into life Press Release Distribution Service

Presidential debates seldom move opinion polls

Primary debates are a different matter Press Release Distribution Service

Donald Trump launches a familiar-sounding re-election campaign

Identity politics, with a focus on guns, crime and immigration, is likely to dominate Press Release Distribution Service

An open letter to the person who called the police!

Where do I begin? First off thank you. Thanks for being in right place at the right time and doing the right thing. On a cold January night you saw my husband swerving all over the road. You followed him while dialing 911. I hadn’t been able to reach him for a few hours and…

Moving On is Hard To Do Sale (June 15)

*Photos 2-6 are stock photos of actual items for sale* Queen Size Casper Mattress: No sex was had in this bed. I bought it at the beginning of my year of celibacy. I didn’t know back then it would be a year; no one knows how long things will last when they’re just starting. No…