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The lies our culture tells us about what matters — and a better way to live | David Brooks

Our society is in the midst of a social crisis, says op-ed columnist and author David Brooks: we’re trapped in a valley of isolation and fragmentation. How do we find our way out? Based on his travels across the United States — and his meetings with a range of exceptional people known as “weavers” —…

People Are Sharing Weird Things From The Past They Wish Still Existed

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A Toddler Fell To Her Death From Her Grandfather’s Hands On A Cruise Ship. Now The Family Could Be Charged.

Chloe Wiegand fell from the 11th floor window of a Royal Caribbean cruise ship on Sunday. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

CSS Lists, Markers, And Counters

CSS Lists, Markers, And Counters CSS Lists, Markers, And Counters Rachel Andrew 2019-07-09T12:30:59+02:002019-07-10T05:36:06+00:00 Lists in CSS have particular properties which give us the standard list styling we expect. An unordered list gains a list bullet, of the type disc, and ordered lists are numbered. My interest in exploring lists in more detail came from some…

Preserve Mount Vesuvius history in digging out Pompeii’s

Nature, Published online: 09 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02097-3 Preserve Mount Vesuvius history in digging out Pompeii’s Press Release Distribution Service

Biologist found dead during Crete conference

Nature, Published online: 09 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02132-3 Max Planck researcher Suzanne Eaton was discovered in a cave by police after a five-day search. Press Release Distribution Service

The parallel ecomorph evolution of scorpionflies: The evidence is in the DNA

Defying expectations, scorpionflies were found to have ecomorphed in parallel evolutions, independently adapting along different high altitude locations in Japan. Using Bayesian simulations and molecular phylogenetic analysis, scientists were able to show the differing lineages of the ‘alpine’ and ‘general’ types of scorpionflies in their DNA, as well as time selective events such as glacial-interglacial…

Exercise improves brain function in overweight and obese individuals

New findings show that, on top of its benefits for metabolism, mood, and general health, exercise also improves brain function. In recent studies, researchers learned that obese and overweight individuals are prone to insulin resistance in the brain, where it provides information about current nutritional status, as well as the rest of the body. So…

5 Content Promotion Tactics To Make You (Almost) Famous

Not all forms of content creation will make you famous, but some come with built-in amplification boosts that can put you well on your way to star-quality promotion. Working with industry experts and influencers to co-create content is a proven tactic for adding more inherent promotion right from the start of your campaign. Harnessing the…

17 Moms Who Have Never Censored Themselves And Aren’t Gonna Start Now

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