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Powell testimony, Fed meeting highlight case for ‘insurance’

A confidence shock driven partly by the U.S. trade war is at the center of an increasingly persuasive argument for Federal Reserve policymakers seriously considering cutting rates for the first time in a decade. Press Release Distribution Service

17 People Who Accidentally Said The Wrong Freaking Thing At The Wrong Freaking Time

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A Man In A Bagel Shop Ranted And Yelled About Women Reacting To Him Being Short — And Then He Got Tackled

“OH MY GOD. I just wanted bagels,” one customer said as the confrontation unfolded. View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

UX Improvements For Keyboard Accessibility

UX Improvements For Keyboard Accessibility UX Improvements For Keyboard Accessibility Vitaly Friedman 2019-07-10T16:00:59+02:002019-07-11T05:35:08+00:00 How can we provide an accessible user experience for keyboard-only and assistive technology users without affecting the experience for any other users? We’ve kindly asked Aaron Pearlman, Principal UX Designer at Deque Systems, to share some practical tools and techniques to ensure…

m6A enhances the phase separation potential of mRNA

Nature, Published online: 10 July 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1374-1 The cytosolic N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-binding proteins YTHDF1, YTHDF2 and YTHDF3 undergo liquid–liquid phase separation in vitro and in cells; this is enhanced by polymethylated mRNAs to form complexes that partition into different cellular phase-separated compartments. Press Release Distribution Service

A deep dive into the development of sea squirts

Nature, Published online: 10 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01967-0 An analysis of gene expression in sea-squirt embryos at different stages of development deepens our understanding of how the body plans of vertebrates might have evolved from those of less complex animals. Press Release Distribution Service

A moderate dose of novel form of stress promotes longevity

A newly described form of stress called chromatin architectural defect, or chromatin stress, triggers in cells a response that leads to a longer life. Press Release Distribution Service

How social movements can use virtual worlds

Online virtual worlds can help social movements raise awareness and create safe spaces for their members, according to a new study. The research examined how an LGBT group used a virtual world for their own cause, which was different to its intended design. Press Release Distribution Service

Hitting Your Target: Why Account-Based Marketing and Influencers Are the Perfect Match

I’ve never been very good at saving money — unless I’m saving for something specific. Give me a defined target, and the intrinsic motivation that comes along with it, and I’ll get there. There is much to be said about the value of focus in achieving a goal. The same philosophy is at play with…

17 Tweets That Show Just How Bad The Flooding In New Orleans Is

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