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Gore Vidal

Press Release Distribution Service

Trump makes history in North Korea: What we know

A quick handshake turned historic when President Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to set foot in North Korea.        Press Release Distribution Service

Right-wing protesters, 'antifa' clashes bring chaos to streets of Portland, Oregon

Order was restored to the streets of Portland, Oregon, after protests that clogged streets, crippled public transit and left at least 8 people hurt.        Press Release Distribution Service

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham bruised amid scuffle between reporters, North Korean guards

North Korean guards pushed and shoved U.S. reporters on Sunday and Grisham was left with bruises in the exchange, according to The Associated Press.        Press Release Distribution Service

An improved vaccine for bacterial meningitis and bloodstream infections

Researchers have now developed a new vaccine, a native outer membrane vesicle (NOMV) vaccine, for meningitis and bloodstream infections caused by ‘meningococcal group B’ bacteria. This will allow younger people to be vaccinated and will address several limitations of the current vaccinations. Press Release Distribution Service

Confirmation of old theory leads to new breakthrough in superconductor science

Scientists have developed a superconductor that is only one nanometer thick. By studying fluctuations in this ultra-thin material as it transitions into superconductivity, the scientists gained insight into the processes that drive superconductivity. They used the new technology to confirm a 23-year-old theory of superconductors. Their work could have applications in virtually any technology that…


Press Release Distribution Service

Opinion: Winners/losers of quarterfinals — France wins the World Cup, sort of

France wins over public and Sweden finally beats Germany at a major tournament for first time since 1991: Winners and losers from quarterfinals.        Press Release Distribution Service

Opinion: This is where the top remaining NBA free agents should sign

We’re making our best pitch to each of the top remaining NBA free agents about where they should go once signing period begins at 6 p.m. Sunday.        Press Release Distribution Service

How DNA ‘hotspots’ snarl the search for cancer genes

Nature, Published online: 27 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02011-x Clusters of mutations can mislead researchers. Press Release Distribution Service