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29 Products That Are Here To Fix Your Fashion And Clothing Emergencies

Have the inner thighs of your favorite jeans ripped, too? View Entire Post › Press Release Distribution Service

Raise Your Marketing IQ at CTAConf 2019

You’ve heard the phrase, “Work smarter, not harder.” And boy, does it sound great. But what exactly does working smarter look like? When it comes to marketing, this can mean a lot of things. Strategy, analytics, design, copywriting, sales, customer success—they all have nuances in how they’re done intelligently and all require really smart people…

8 Unconventional Marketing Tactics Every CMO Should Take Advantage Of

It’s great if you’ve been using the traditional, popular marketing tactics that every other business in your industry trusts. However, these strategies tend to plateau after a while. They can also become expensive for a typical marketing budget. If you’re looking to cut costs and see better results, it might be time to reach for…

3 Tips for Creating Your Own Independence Day

Tomorrow is Independence Day here in the States, which, for most of us, entails the risk of losing: Your fingers… Continue Reading The post 3 Tips for Creating Your Own Independence Day appeared first on Copyblogger. Press Release Distribution Service

Google extends Chrome ad blocking to global markets on July 9

Publishers must conform to Better Ads Standards or see ads on their sites blocked by Chrome. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

Don’t be too quick to dismiss established best practices for email

Our shared experience and knowledge will lead to better informed best practices because collaboration is the real way to advance our industry. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

IBM’s Watson Marketing spinoff launches with agile strategy

The company will focus on delivering marketing solutions that could compete with larger marketing cloud vendors. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Press Release Distribution Service

‘Fingerprinting’ to Track Us Online Is on the Rise. Here’s What to Do.

Advertisers are increasingly turning to an invisible method that pulls together information about your device to pinpoint your identity. Press Release Distribution Service

Broadcom Said to Be in Talks to Buy Symantec, the Security Software Maker

If an agreement is reached, it will underline how much Broadcom, a semiconductor giant, has had to change its acquisition strategy after a humbling takeover defeat last year. Press Release Distribution Service

Thousands of Norwegian Cruise Line passengers stranded in Barcelona after technical issue

Norwegian Cruise Line is apologizing to customers for canceling a cruise in Spain, days before it was supposed to end in Italy.        Press Release Distribution Service