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Thomas Paine

Press Release Distribution Service

‘Here, I feel free’: Mexico City celebrates role as haven for LGBTQ migrants

Tens of thousands of people paraded through the streets of Mexico City on Saturday to celebrate the capital’s growing role as a beacon of tolerance for migrants fleeing persecution for their gender… Press Release Distribution Service

Singapore holds gay pride rally amid calls for repeal of colonial-era law

Thousands of people took part in Singapore’s annual gay pride rally on Saturday, with many calling for a law banning gay sex to be scrapped following similar measures elsewhere in the region. Press Release Distribution Service

The future of media and entertainment: Tackling digital transformation through experimentation

Media and the ways we engage with it are constantly evolving. The way we discover new media, the way we…Read blog postabout:The future of media and entertainment: Tackling digital transformation through experimentation The post The future of media and entertainment: Tackling digital transformation through experimentation appeared first on WiderFunnel Conversion Optimization. Press Release Distribution Service

Still-life painting looted by Nazis to return to Florence

A still-life painting by the Dutch master Jan van Huysum which was looted by retreating Nazi troops in World War Two will be returned to Florence, the Italian government said on Saturday. Press Release Distribution Service

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Press Release Distribution Service

NASA drone will soar over Saturn’s largest moon

Nature, Published online: 27 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02027-3 The Dragonfly mission will explore Titan’s atmosphere and hydrocarbon lakes. Press Release Distribution Service

Discrimination drives LGBT+ scientists to think about quitting

Nature, Published online: 27 June 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02013-9 Despite progress, many physical scientists from sexual and gender minorities experience exclusion or harassment at work, finds UK survey. Press Release Distribution Service

Atomic ‘patchwork’ using heteroepitaxy for next generation semiconductor devices

Researchers have grown atomically thin crystalline layers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) with varying composition over space, continuously feeding in different types of TMDC to a growth chamber to tailor changes in properties. Examples include 20nm strips surrounded by different TMDCs with atomically straight interfaces, and layered structures. They also directly probed the electronic properties…

New material shows high potential for quantum computing

Scientists are getting closer to confirming the existence of an exotic quantum particle called Majorana fermion, crucial for fault-tolerant quantum computing — the kind of quantum computing that addresses errors during its operation. Press Release Distribution Service