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The Supreme Court wraps up its term, inching to the right

Justice Kavanaugh was a bit more moderate than court-watchers expected Press Release Distribution Service

Laura Yeager, General

A woman takes the helm of an American infantry division for the first time Press Release Distribution Service

Alaska’s changing climate

This year Alaska has seen record temperatures, up to 20 degrees Celsius above normal Press Release Distribution Service

Donald Trump: foreign-policy showman

The president’s frenetic, unstable administration has created stuck policies and immovable politics Press Release Distribution Service

The idea of reparations for slavery is morally appealing but flawed

Democrats should drop it Press Release Distribution Service

A jail in Denver offers some lessons for criminal-justice reformers

As New York’s incarceration rate falls, the city is casting around for smaller jails to copy Press Release Distribution Service

The president stands accused of rape, again

Among the most gloomy things about E. Jean Carroll’s accusation is how unsurprising it is Press Release Distribution Service

Can American states slow global warming on their own?

A clutch of states with Democratic governments are having a go Press Release Distribution Service

Will transparent pricing make America’s health care cheaper?

A new executive order requires hospitals and insurers to disclose their negotiated prices Press Release Distribution Service

Where female athletes are more popular than male ones

And still get paid less Press Release Distribution Service