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Raiders’ Incognito docked 2 games for conduct

Offensive lineman Richie Incognito has been suspended for the Raiders’ first two regular-season games for violating the NFL’s personal conduct policy. Press Release Distribution Service

GM: 76ers betting on growth of Harris, Simmons

The 76ers are betting that Tobias Harris and Ben Simmons can step into the closer role that had been occupied by Jimmy Butler, who is now with the Heat. Press Release Distribution Service

Underappreciated Novak Djokovic shows why Wimbledon title path runs through him

Wimbledon loves an underdog, but the defending champion was not going to spare Roberto Bautista Agut as he progressed to a sixth men’s singles final. Press Release Distribution Service

U.S. lawmakers expected to delay Mueller testimony by a week

Two U.S. House committees are expected to delay former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s planned July 17 testimony for one week to allow more time for lawmakers from one of the panels to question him, sources said on Friday. Press Release Distribution Service

F.T.C. Approves Facebook Fine of About $5 Billion

If approved by the Justice Department, the settlement would be the biggest fine levied by the federal government against a technology company. Press Release Distribution Service

Judge Clears Way for Amazon and Microsoft to Compete for Giant Pentagon Contract

Oracle had alleged that Amazon and the Defense Department biased the $10 billion JEDI contract in Amazon’s favor, but was unable to change the Pentagon’s decision. Press Release Distribution Service

Apple restores banned parental control app OurPact to the App Store

Apple has reversed course on its ban of parental control app OurPact, allowing the ousted software to return to the App Store in its original form and without any limitations or restrictions. The move marks an end to a months-long dispute between Apple and a variety of parental control companies affected by Apple’s restrictions. The…

Facebook reportedly reaches $5 billion settlement with the Federal Trade Commission

Facebook has reportedly reached a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission over repeated privacy violations, The Wall Street Journal reports. According to the Journal, the FTC voted this week to approve a $5 billion settlement, which has now moved to the Justice Department’s civil division for review. It is unclear how long the review will…

Nielsen confirms that Stranger Things 3 was a big hit for Netflix

Nielsen Media Research has released its ratings for the latest season of Netflix’s Stranger Things, showing that ratings for the third season over the first four days of release were significantly higher than for the second season. Those numbers back up Netflix’s assertion that the show broke records, although they highlight the differences in how…

Singer R. Kelly charged in sex scheme of kidnapping and payoffs

Singer R. Kelly, already charged with sexual assault in Illinois, was indicted in federal courts in New York and Chicago on Friday with transporting women and girls across state lines for sex, forcibly keeping them under his control and buying their silence. Press Release Distribution Service