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Ericsson says on track for 2020 targets as second-quarter profit matches forecasts

Mobile network gear maker Ericsson posted a second-quarter profit in line with expectations on Wednesday and said it was on track to meet its financial goals due to strong sales of 5G equipment. Press Release Distribution Service

5 challenges we could solve by designing new proteins | David Baker

Proteins are remarkable molecular machines: they digest your food, fire your neurons, power your immune system and so much more. What if we could design new ones, with functions never before seen in nature? In this remarkable glimpse of the future, David Baker shares how his team at the Institute for Protein Design is creating…

The political power of being a good neighbor | Michael Tubbs

Michael Tubbs is the youngest mayor in American history to represent a city with more than 100,000 people — and his policies are sparking national conversations. In this rousing talk, he shares how growing up amid poverty and violence in Stockton, California shaped his bold vision for change and his commitment to govern as a…

3 steps to turn everyday get-togethers into transformative gatherings | Priya Parker

Why do some gatherings take off and others don’t? Author Priya Parker shares three easy steps to turn your parties, dinners, meetings and holidays into meaningful, transformative gatherings. Get TED Talks recommended just for you! Learn more at The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the…

The Ultimate Guide To Building Scalable Web Scrapers With Scrapy

The Ultimate Guide To Building Scalable Web Scrapers With Scrapy The Ultimate Guide To Building Scalable Web Scrapers With Scrapy Daniel Ni 2019-07-16T14:30:59+02:002019-07-17T05:35:56+00:00 Web scraping is a way to grab data from websites without needing access to APIs or the website’s database. You only need access to the site’s data — as long as your…

Going organic for a better camera

Nature, Published online: 16 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02177-4 A digital-camera sensor made from organic semiconductors could prove useful in outer space. Press Release Distribution Service

Explosions, floods and hurricanes: dealing with a lab disaster

Nature, Published online: 16 July 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02151-0 Planning ahead and staying flexible are key to coping with the unexpected. Press Release Distribution Service

Limits on pot fishing can result in win-win for fishermen and marine wildlife

The first major study into the impact of inshore potting for crab and lobster within a Marine Protected Area has found that in areas of low potting intensity the industry is operating in a way that had little impact on seabed species or economically-important shellfish. Press Release Distribution Service

Higher iron levels may boost heart health — but also increase risk of stroke

Scientists have helped unravel the protective — and potentially harmful — effect of iron in the body. Press Release Distribution Service

How to Refocus on Your Audience for Better Content Marketing Results

Is your content audience-centric? “Of course it is!” Says the hypothetical person I just made up. “We do intensive research for all our content. We look at questions our audience is asking, we hit up SEMrush and BuzzSumo…our content is all about our audience!” Here’s the big question: Beyond learning about your brand, which will…