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Agent: Chargers’ Gordon wants trade if no deal

Chargers running back Melvin Gordon wants to be traded if he doesn’t receive a new deal from the Chargers, agent Fletcher Smith told ESPN’s Adam Schefter. Press Release Distribution Service

Norton cited for crash that led to amputation

The Dolphins’ Kendrick Norton was cited with improper lane change, due to him pulling in front of another vehicle and making slight contact with it before crashing into a concrete barrier in the accident that led to his left arm being amputated. Press Release Distribution Service

Lamar Odom among four ‘deactivated’ by Big3

Lamar Odom, Jermaine O’Neal, Bonzi Wells and Baron Davis were deactivated from the Big3 for competitive reasons and not due to any off-the-court issues, a source told ESPN. Press Release Distribution Service

Turquoise Siberian lake loved by Instagrammers turns out to be toxic waste dump

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 25 # Comments: 3 Press Release Distribution Service

Hermes – A small JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native on Android

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 44 # Comments: 8 Press Release Distribution Service

Linux Observability with BPF

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 31 # Comments: 2 Press Release Distribution Service

Data scientists shouldn’t use Upwork

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 100 # Comments: 48 Press Release Distribution Service

France has approved a digital services tax despite threats of retaliation by US

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 118 # Comments: 111 Press Release Distribution Service

Best MacBook: Which Mac laptop should you buy?

You’re planning on buying a new Mac laptop. So you head over to your local Apple store, or you peruse the pages of Apple’s website, and you find yourself with money to spend but no idea on which MacBook to buy. Don’t worry! That’s why we’re here. In this guide, we’ll go over Apple’s current…

Zoom patches Mac app to remove local server, allow uninstalls following backlash

Update 7/11: Apple has issued a silent update to macOS that removes the Zoom Mac app’s localhost server. Zoom has released a patch for its Mac app that removes a localhost web server from your Mac and allows users to manually uninstall the app from the menubar after a serious flaw was discovered. You can download…