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Will a robot really take your job?

A notorious forecast about the automation of jobs has been hugely misunderstood, says one of its authors Press Release Distribution Service

Business services like Zoom and Slack make for better listings

But are they any good? Press Release Distribution Service

Boeing’s boss wins a reprieve, not redemption

Three tests to decide whether Dennis Muilenburg should keep his job Press Release Distribution Service

The legalisation of recreational cannabis is weeding out teenaged users

A new study suggests a paradoxical relationship between usage and the law Press Release Distribution Service

Remembering third-party presidential candidate Ross Perot

The billionaire had a moderating effect on American politics Press Release Distribution Service

America mulls regulating facial recognition

The rare issue that unites left and right Press Release Distribution Service

Simulators teach police and their critics when to shoot

Our correspondent tried one out, with disastrous consequences Press Release Distribution Service

Donald Trump risks undoing decades of nuclear arms control

His foray into North Korea belies the gamble he is taking with Russia Press Release Distribution Service

The best line in the first televised debate may hurt the Democrats

The eventual nominee will need to retain the support of the 9% of Democrats who say they are conservative Press Release Distribution Service

What caused the shameful scenes at America’s southern border?

Circumstances beyond the White House’s control, deliberate policy choices and plain old incompetence Press Release Distribution Service