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Box office: ‘The Lion King’ rules with $185 million debut

LOS ANGELES, ( – Simba and Mufasa reigned supreme this weekend as Disney’s “The Lion King” dominated box office charts. Director Jon Favreau’s remake of the animated classic collected a massive $185 million from 4,756 North American theaters during its first three days of release. Press Release Distribution Service

‘Star Trek’ favorites to return with Patrick Stewart in ‘Picard’

The upcoming “Star Trek” series about Jean-Luc Picard will reunite the beloved starship commander with android officer Data and other characters from the long-running space franchise, the cast revealed to fans at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday. Press Release Distribution Service

Circuit breakers trip, shares soar as China’s Nasdaq-style bourse debuts

Trading hit a fever pitch, with shares rocketing as much as 520%, as China’s new Nasdaq-style board for homegrown tech firms debuted on Monday, with valuations exceeding even the expectations of veteran investors braced for a wild ride. Press Release Distribution Service

Toyota fetches new way to use AI, self-drive tech in Tokyo Games

Miniature remote controlled cars have proved to be a crowd pleaser at track and field throwing events, but for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Toyota Motor Corp is upping the game with a hi-tech way to fetch javelins and hammers: pint-sized, self-driving A.I. robot cars. Press Release Distribution Service

Side Hustle or Full-Time Business: Pros and Cons

Do you dream of giving up your job and being your own boss? Making the jump from employee to entrepreneur and business owner can prove daunting, as well as rewarding. Some people find getting a ‘happy balance’ by remaining in employment but embarking on a side hustle. As a result, they run their own business…

The Ultimate Secrets to Protecting your Business Trademark

In 2017, people registered an estimated 43.2 million active trademarks at 138 Trademark Offices around the world. And that represents an increase of nearly 10 percent compared to 2016 data. Unfortunately, trademark infringement continues to increase as  well. In a 2018 survey of 352 trademark professionals working in the US and western Europe, 81% said…

What is Order Fulfillment and Why is Mastering It Critical to Your Business?

Order fulfillment is about the steps involved in receiving, processing and shipping orders. Take note. Over half of online shoppers earmark speed of delivery when evaluating orders. Here’s what you need to know and why it’s critical for your small business. The Order Fulfillment Process Getting everything right means understanding the process. If you’re going…

Ecommerce Business Failure Rate at 90% After 120 Days – How to Avoid It With Your Business

The success and failure rates of brick and mortar small businesses have been well documented. But how do ecommerce startups fare? According to a new survey by MarketingSignals, the failure rate stands at 90% after 120 days or almost four months. This, of course, is much direr than physical stores. The Small Business Administration (SBA)…

Asia stocks fall on likely smaller Fed rate cut, pricier oil

Asia stocks fell on Monday as investors scaled back expectations of an aggressive Federal Reserve interest rate cut, while crude oil prices rose on heightened Middle East tensions following Iran’s seizure of a British tanker. Press Release Distribution Service

Did someone say rate cut? Five questions for the ECB

After weeks of speculation that interest rate cuts and another round of asset purchases are on their way, investors hope Thursday’s European Central Bank meeting will give the clearest signal yet of imminent policy easing, if not the details. Press Release Distribution Service