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Biden admin lobbied to remove trans surgery age restrictions – NYT

US officials reportedly cited political reasons for pressuring an international health group to drop limitations on such operations US health authorities pressured the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to remove age restrictions for teenage surgeries from its guidelines published in 2022, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing newly unsealed court documents. …

US Air Force fires top missile program manager

Congress had launched a review as a result of rising costs as Washington seeks to replace a key element of its nuclear triad The US Air Force has sacked Colonel Charles Clegg, the official responsible for the development of the next-generation ‘Sentinel’ intercontinental ballistic missile. The rocket is earmarked to replace the 1970s-era Minuteman III…

Spirit Areosystems employees optimistic about possible sale to Boeing

Reports say Boeing is offering to buy Spirit Aerosystems for more than $4 billion. Spirit is Wichita’s largest employer and announced recent layoffs. It breaks down to $35 per share for the Wichita-based company. Boeing used to own Spirit. Top Featured Tags: – Kansas News Press Release Distribution Service

Hot temps in Wichita can be dangerous says county health official

Sedgwick County Deputy Health Director Chris Steward says people should be staying hydrated and in the shade to protect themselves against heat-related illnesses. Top Featured Tags: – Kansas News Press Release Distribution Service

‘It’s helped a lot’: Evergreen Recycle passed its fire inspection just weeks before massive blaze

Fire crews have been fighting the blaze at Evergreen Recycle for days. During a similar fire in 2022, investigators said part of the challenge was that the owner wasn’t following fire code with the wood piles, and it took nine days to put out. Top Featured Tags: – Kansas News Press Release Distribution Service

Allison Parliament, creator of Jeep ‘ducking’ movement, dies

The idea of leaving rubber ducks on Jeeps started with Allison Parliament’s desire to compliment a fellow Wrangler owner, and it spread on social media during the pandemic. Continue Reading at Click Here. Press Release Distribution Service

Ally dealer pass-through, SmartAuction programs boomed in 2023

Ally’s pass-through and SmartAuction businesses together generated $161 million in revenue for the major national auto lender last year, and the company expects they’ll improve this performance to an approximately $190 million combined in 2024, according to an April 18 set of slides presented on first-quarter earnings. Continue Reading at Click Here. Press Release…

Cruise hires new CEO to lead robotaxi company as it works to relaunch service

Marc Whitten to lead Cruise as CEO; Grant Dixton to succeed Craig Glidden as leader of GM’s legal and public policy efforts as Glidden focuses on Cruise. Continue Reading at Click Here. Press Release Distribution Service

US Rep. John Curtis wins Utah GOP primary for Romney’s open seat, while Gov. Spencer Cox also wins

U.S. Rep. John Curtis has won the Utah GOP primary for Mitt Romney’s open U.S. Senate seat, defeating one opponent who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump and others who said they supported Trump’s agenda. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, meanwhile, is likely to win a second term after he beat his primary challenger on…

Who is Julian Assange and why is the embattled WikiLeaks founder now on the verge of freedom?

A plea deal with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will bring a stunning conclusion to an international saga of the quixotic hacker who exposed government secrets. The deal reached with the U.S. Justice Department will lead to freedom for Assange after spending 12 years either in self-exile or prison. He has pleaded guilty to conspiring to…