Landmarks Theatre President Suddenly Quits. Is The Quality Movie Business In Jeopardy?

Ted Mundorff: “Since 1927, attendance has gone down, though box office remains the same. It usually sits around $10 and a half billion dollars. I’ve always been very bullish on movie theaters, and I don’t think they are going away, but I do think these past two years we have seen closures of theaters.” –…

Oxford University Student Union Votes To Abolish Clapping In Favor Of “Jazz Hands”

“British Sign Language clapping is used by the National Union of Students since loud noises, including whooping and traditional applause, are argued to present an access issue for some disabled students who have anxiety disorders, sensory sensitivity, and/or those who use hearing impairment aids. – Oxford Student Union Continue reading: Click here Press Release Distribution…

Queen’s University – Appointment of Director, Agnes Etherington Art Centre

The Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen’s University is now seeking a new Director who will articulate a bold and dynamic vision that leverages the Agnes’ impressive strengths, collections, and successes through an exciting stage of transformational growth. Queen’s University, and Agnes Etherington Art Centre, are situated on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. The Agnes…

Fire Breaks Out Near Getty; Area Evacuated

The Getty fire, which broke out near the Getty Center along the 405 Freeway, has burned more than 500 acres. – Los Angeles Times Continue reading: Click here Press Release Distribution Service

Elijah Cummings: Librarians Helped Me Most

“The people who helped me the most were the librarians,” Cummings told Steve Kroft in a 60 Minutes interview broadcast in January of this year, adding that the public library was the only integrated institution in his neighborhood. – School Library Journal Continue reading: Click here Press Release Distribution Service

Argentina Believed It Found A Trove Of Nazi Artifacts. Experts Aren’t so Sure

Police came across the more than 80 objects by accident during a house search of an antiques dealer in a suburb of Buenos Aires. They include daggers with swastikas, a ouija board and magnifying glass that were said to have been used by Hitler himself. – Der Spiegel Continue reading: Click here Press Release Distribution…

Painting Spotted In Woman’s Kitchen Sells At Auction For $26 Million

An auctioneer spotted the painting in June while inspecting a woman’s house in Compiegne in northern France and suggested she bring it to experts for an evaluation. It hung on a wall between the kitchen and dining room. – Washington Post (AP) Continue reading: Click here Press Release Distribution Service

A Tiny Bookshop On The Greek Island Of Santorini Fights To Stay “Authentic”

Over the last 15 years, as cruise-ship hoards and souvenir schlock have overrun the village of Oia on Santorini’s northern tip, Atlantis Books has become an unlikely oasis of authenticity and cultural sanity. – The New York Times Continue reading: Click here Press Release Distribution Service

Why Are The NYT, WSJ And Others Making TV Shows?

“So what are newspapers and web producers up to, besides making extremely expensive pivots-to-video? And why are these outlets willing to bet people like their journalism enough to watch entire TV shows about it? Maybe it’s because they aren’t really about journalism. The best producers money can buy aren’t interested in “all the news that’s…

Rowan Williams: How Poetry Clarifies Our Language

As Auden says, poetry is “a way of happening”. It takes the passage of time, the reality of loss, the absorption in a sharpened kind of seeing or hearing, and makes all these into speech that can survive (as Auden also insists) and help others survive. Its task of “turning noise into music” is thus…

NY Is Trying To Diversify Its Monuments. Not So Easy, It Turns Out

Under Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife, Chirlane McCray, the city is aiming to build monuments at an unusually rapid rate to honor women, people of color and others previously overlooked. But the effort has become far more contentious than expected, as a diverse, vocal and highly opinionated city fights over the legacy it…

What Your Brain Looks Like When You’re Improvising

“What do the brains of jazz musicians look like as they create their art on the fly? Using an fMRI machine, Dr. Charles Limb found that activity in the medial prefrontal cortex shot up, while activity in the lateral prefrontal cortex plummeted. In short, the area of the brain responsible for self-monitoring shut off, and…

Can Pompeii Be Saved From The Tourists?

Since concerted excavations began in the middle of the 18th century, Pompeii’s rich homes, tombs and public buildings have been plundered by looters, exploited by profit-hungry private excavators, and (in some early cases) “restored” so aggressively as to spoil the original treasures. – The New York Times Continue reading: Click here Press Release Distribution Service

Expanding MoMA, Expanding Art

James Russell: “MoMA has long built its origin story of Euro-American Modernism around its great holdings, but that story no longer consists of a single, mainly male, heroic narrative. Instead, the visitor discovers many stories braided together that now include many riveting works by women and people of color. These choices better recognize modernism (small…

Festivals Worldwide Are Thinking Green

Every industry takes a toll and holds its own responsibility when it comes to environmental impact, and as life goes on, action to minimise this is necessary. Festivals, promoters and event organisers around the world have been cottoning on to the gravity of our current climate crisis, and their efforts to blend music, the pursuit…

Female Old Masters Are Finally Getting Major Museum Shows

Lavinia Fontant, Self-Portrait at the Spinet, 1577. Courtesy of the Museo del Prado. Lavinia Fontana, Self-Portrait in the Studio, 1579. Courtesy of the Museo del Prado. A spate of major exhibitions across the globe is finally giving female artists of the Renaissance and Baroque eras their place in the limelight. After long being in the…

Anicka Yi’s Latest Work Is a Line of Feminist, Futuristic Perfumes

Anicka Yi’s line of custom fragrances titled “Biography.” Courtesy of the artist. Next month, Anicka Yi will launch a line of perfumes titled “Biography.” The project is a natural outgrowth of the artist’s longtime obsession with smell. She recently explained the new scents at her Bushwick studio, over a plate of cheese—Isle of Mull cheddar,…

Sotheby’s hired a new CEO.

New Sotheby’s CEO Charles F. Stewart. Courtesy Sotheby’s. When it was announced that Sotheby’s was to be acquired by French telecom billionaire Patrick Drahi and taken private, there was no doubt that change was coming. The company came off the stock market—where for the last 30 years it traded under the ticker name BID—and on…

A Cimabue painting discovered in a French kitchen sold for nearly $27 million at auction.

Cimabue, The Mocking of Christ or Christ Mocked. Sold for €24.1 million ($26.8 million). Image © Actéon. Last month, an elderly French woman had the thrill of a lifetime when she discovered a painting hanging in her kitchen was worth up to $6.6 million. Now, that painting—a 13th century Cimabue titled The Mocking of Christ—has…

Counselor Helps Others Find Their True Voice in Debut Self-Help Book

Harinder Ghatora’s new book, ‘The Power of Speaking Your Truth,” guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and positive change and teaches them how to put to rest the limiting beliefs that have… (PRWeb October 28, 2019) Read the full story at Press Release Distribution Service

Thrilling New Erotic Fantasy Novel ‘Bride of the Dragon King’ is…

Author Ann Drighton presents a stimulating and mythological forbidden love story that transcends time and breaks all boundaries (PRWeb October 28, 2019) Read the full story at Press Release Distribution Service

New Book ‘A Chronological Revelation – Patterns in Prophecy: Unveiling…

Author David Kidd presents his study of what the Bible says about the end of this age to provide a greater understanding of God’s character (PRWeb October 28, 2019) Read the full story at Press Release Distribution Service

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