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In the Spotlight: Tippy Taste Jewelry Feeds Customers Delicious Designs

In the Spotlight: This Founder Quadrupled Revenue After Bootstrapping Tippy Taste Jewelry in College

Customers are always looking for unique accessories to set their look apart. And Tippy Taste Jewelry gives them that opportunity with one-of-a-kind pieces.

The jewelry brand started out as a one-woman operation and still keeps that spirit alive with individualized designs made with quality materials. Read about the company and its founder in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Sells a variety of jewelry products.

Founder Tippy Hung told Small Business Trends, “A variety of unique, one-of-a-kind designs made out of precious metals and gems. Ethically sourced and made.”

Business Niche

Using quality materials.

Hung says, “Our jewels are made out of sterling silver and 14k solid gold. Our pieces are designed in-house by our designer meaning you won’t find another identical one. Our customers have come to love us because we constantly design new pieces every week and offer them at a wide range of price points.”

In the Spotlight: This Founder Quadrupled Revenue After Bootstrapping Tippy Taste Jewelry in College

How the Business Got Started

As a hobby during college.

Hung bootstrapped the business initially while she was still in college. It has quadrupled in revenue since those early days.

Biggest Win

Growing the business around the world.

Hung explains, “Now our pieces are being carried all around the world from America to Paris to Asia.”

Biggest Risk

Shifting the business model.

Hung says, “I think transitioning from mainly wholesale to mostly direct-to-consumer was the biggest risk we ever took. If it had gone wrong, such as losing a big account we would run out of business as our revenue depended on wholesale accounts. However we were able to successfully transition to selling direct-to-consumer due to the support of our loyal fans.”

Lesson Learned

Make the most of mistakes.

Hung adds, “I don’t believe in regrets. I think every milestone and obstacle is something to learn from. So there’s nothing I will change if I had to do it all over again. I will continue what I am doing and to innovate.”

In the Spotlight: This Founder Quadrupled Revenue After Bootstrapping Tippy Taste Jewelry in College

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Promoting the business.

Design Inspiration

Random ideas.

Hung says, “Because innovations is at the core of our business, the designs that are created are very random. Ideas can strike from a random dream or from running on a treadmill.”

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Images: Tippy Taste Jewelry, Tippy Hung

This article, “In the Spotlight: Tippy Taste Jewelry Feeds Customers Delicious Designs” was first published on Small Business Trends

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